7 No-Nonsense Reasons to Attend a Conference

As professionals, we are all busy. It’s hard enough to balance work, social, and personal obligations and still feel like a functioning human at the end of the week. Often times extra events, vacations, and even professional development opportunities fall to the wayside because we’re simply too busy to add anything else to our plate. We feel this at Classy, and we know our community does too.
That’s why we know it’s a big deal to commit to a conference like the Collaborative. As hosts of a three-day event, we understand that attending means days off of work and time away from family. But this is what gets our adrenaline pumping: If 1000 inspirational individuals are leaving their daily routines behind and joining us for a week, we better give them something great—something worth their time. This year, as we worked extremely hard to deliver that.
“Worth it” means different things to different people, but we have learned a few things over the years and we’ve come pretty close to understanding what’s universally viewed as time worth spent at an event. The secret sauce? The best events foster a community that both inspires attendees and supports them during the time they are present and beyond.
We were thrilled when we were able to sit down with seven of our Leadership Council members to get their thoughts on why events like the Collaborative + Classy Awards are important for social entrepreneurs professionally, but also the sector in general.
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“Try to meet as many interesting people as possible. Everybody you meet, especially as you get older, has had a lifetime of experiences that you haven’t had. They’ve probably made themselves expert in some discipline that you might not know anything about.
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“There’s something special about getting people together to have a cross-pollination of ideas, to develop new partnerships, and to recognize the incredible hard work that these people do every day to make our world better.
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“It’s important to celebrate social innovators because so often in the social space we are our own worst critics. The perfect are often the enemies of the good…the more that we can bring a positive lens to the work that they are doing, I think the better off we’ll all be.
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“I would like to see innovation encouraged further in that people imagine it beyond technology…I think that taking a broader view of innovation would be extremely helpful to all of us in the social entrepreneurship and impact investing ecosystem.
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“The social innovators that we are seeing coming together in Boston are an example of all the things we can do better for our community and our society.
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“When brought together with other entrepreneurs, it really elevates people’s perspective of what’s possible, and both builds connections for relationships while also enabling us to amplify our collective impact.

Join Us at the 2019 Collaborative
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