A Network of Us has raised $4,485 out of their goal of $5,000
What We Can Do Together
Your gift directly stipends a system-impacted young person for their participation in Our True Colors — a weekly arts-focused community healing space that connects youth to resources, supportive services and opportunities in the creative economy.
Your donation helps AHJN dismantle the harmful and racist juvenile justice system in LA County and ensure its replacement is one that heals our youth and centers their voices as they become leaders who work to promote arts, advocacy, and community engagement in LA County.
Your support allows a Teaching Artist to attend bi-annual trainings that support their growth as culturally-informed, trauma-aware instructors.
Your support directly funds our healing-informed arts partners in their projects of capacity-building, technical support, and general operations. These micro-grants support the deepening of collaborations and expansion of services to youth across LA County.
Help us launch a new culmination program focused on meeting facilitation, creative reflection, and healing and justice research for youth who have completed their 200-hour fellowships. Your sponsorship covers a young person's completion of an independent project over the course of 3-6 months.
The Arts for Healing and Justice Network (AHJN) is a partnership of 15 arts organizations in LA County that deliver healing-informed arts programming to justice system-impacted youth and to the adults who serve them. Fundamentally, we believe the arts possess incredible power. To heal trauma. To promote wellbeing. To build community. To transform systems.
Our work comprises three core activities: 1) providing administrative support, training, and capacity building to partner arts organizations; 2) engaging in local policy and advocacy efforts, organizationally and in solidarity with system-impacted youth and community; and 3) creating art-focused youth spaces and connecting young people to resources, supportive services and opportunities in the creative economy. These activities build on each other and are in service of self-determination and narrative reclaimation, for system-impacted Black and Brown youth and communities of color.
Your gift will directly support Black and Brown system-impacted young people in LA County and the arts providers they trust.