Imagine your child experiencing an unexplained sudden loss of basic functions and abilities –
a toddler who once walked and ran, suddenly stumbling with each step;
an infant who once smiled and cooed, now crying inconsolably for every waking hour;
a high school cheerleader losing all muscular control and shaking violently on the sports field;
each of these real-life examples is the result of a disease group called Leukodystrophies.
Leukodystrophies affect 1 in 4,700. Because of the rarity of these diseases, they remain virtually unknown, even in the medical community. This results in frequent misdiagnosis, as well as insufficient therapies and treatment options once a correct diagnosis is reached.
Although, currently there is no cure,
Individuals affected by Leukodystrophies deserve expert medical care, essential to providing timely treatment and therapies to vastly improve health and overall quality of life. The Leukodystrophy Care Network (LCN) is working to accomplish this.
Get Started Fundraising
A walk or run can be a fun way for people to get behind your cause. In-person events are also a great opportunity to share your message.
How about turning your jeans day into a fundraiser? Ask all participants to donate $5 to dress down a day. Supporting a cause near and dear to a co-worker's heart can be very fulfilling!
What better way to invigorate the mind, body, and soul than to work up a sweat for a good cause? A local gym or personal trainer can help you get started.
Requesting donations in lieu of gifts can be a meaningful way to share your special day. This may be birthdays, weddings, or other special occasions.
Ticketed dinners or concerts with a portion of proceeds benefitting your cause is a great way to fundraise! There are also great opportunities to share your story with potential donors face to face. Enhance the experience and your fundraising potential with raffles or auctions at the event.
Raffling or auctioning off prizes can be an exciting way to fundraise. Auctions can be silent, or quite the opposite, depending on your preference!
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