Walk A Mile in Their Shoes

       "Your Child Has Cancer"....it is difficult for many to comprehend even having to hear those words. But now, we all can relate a little more closely to a "day in the life" of this plight. Anxiety, loss of control, the fear that every germ might pose a serious medical threat. Add on the burden of financial instability and lost wages. THESE ARE THEIR SHOES of families facing pediatric cancer since the day that diagnosis came. 

Click "Register" above to join as an individual, join a team, or create your own team! On your page, you can set a fundraising goal, create your very own personal family team page and encourage/challenge those in your own network to make a difference by supporting your walk or doing their own!  

Looking to do your walk as a group? Join our P.U.N.T. team in person on August 31st at Parkside Lodge in Delaware Park at 11am! 

Make a donation in any amount through a team or individuals fundraising page, or make a general donation in the link above. You can choose to "Register" or donate in honor or memory of someone. Every donation over $25 will recieve a free slush from Sonic via e-mail!

*If you would like to Make a donation by sending a check, please make payable to the address below, and write the individual or team you are supporting in the memo:

P.U.N.T. Pediatric Cancer Collaborative
712 Main Street, Suite 103
Buffalo, NY 14202

There is NO minimum amount that needs to be raised, though we do ask participants to kindly make a donation in any amount and challenge others to do the same. All proceeds will go to our "Helping Hands" program which will be used over the next year to alleviate the catastrophic financial burdens for WNY families who have a child battling cancer.

If your team raises $100 (or more!), you will receive a custom P.U.N.T. Pediatric Cancer Awareness lawn sign. Anyone above the $100 threshold by August 24th will be contacted by P.U.N.T. to create your custom sign, which can be picked up at the event on August 31st!


(If you don't have a printer, screenshot the graphic  below and post it with your picture!)


The top fundraising team will win SONIC for a year (12, $25 gift cards)!

Walk (and/or roll!) a mile between now and August 31st for one of the most difficult shoes a family can ever have to wear...


Make A Difference

A gift of $25 $25

Helps a family fighting cancer to put food on the table


A gift of $50 $50

Means a full tank gas to get to and from treatment


A gift of $100 $100

Allows a family to keep their heat and electricity on


A gift of $250 $250

Repairs the family car so the patient is able to travel to treatment


A gift of $500 $500

Offsets the cost of mortgage and rent for financially vulnerable families


A gift of $1000 $1,000

Makes a “Field of Dreams” wish to brighten spirits for a patient and their family possible


Support a Fundraiser

Top Individuals

View all
View Top Individual - 'Kimberly Nelly' fundraiser page using image
Kimberly Nelly

Kimberly Nelly has raised $2,226 out of their goal of $500

$2,226 raised (445%)
View Top Individual - 'Kate Rooney' fundraiser page using image
Kate Rooney

Kate Rooney has raised $1,412 out of their goal of $500

$1,412 raised (282%)
View Top Individual - 'Christine Pinto' fundraiser page using image
Christine Pinto

Christine Pinto has raised $1,084 out of their goal of $500

$1,084 raised (217%)
View Top Individual - 'Scott MacCloy' fundraiser page using image
Scott MacCloy

Scott MacCloy has raised $1,000 out of their goal of $500

$1,000 raised (200%)
View Top Individual - 'Patty Hood' fundraiser page using image
Patty Hood

Patty Hood has raised $1,000 out of their goal of $500

$1,000 raised (200%)
View Top Individual - 'Kara Gosine' fundraiser page using image
Kara Gosine

Kara Gosine has raised $975 out of their goal of $500

$975 raised (195%)
View Top Individual - 'Olivia Runs for Gus and Faith' fundraiser page using image
Olivia Runs for Gus and Faith

Olivia Runs for Gus and Faith has raised $852 out of their goal of $750

$852 raised (114%)
View Top Individual - 'Liza Lagueux' fundraiser page using image
Liza Lagueux

Liza Lagueux has raised $839 out of their goal of $500

$839 raised (168%)
View Top Individual - 'Corilyn Rafferty' fundraiser page using image
Corilyn Rafferty

Corilyn Rafferty has raised $800 out of their goal of $500

$800 raised (160%)
View Top Individual - 'Stephanie Byrd' fundraiser page using image
Stephanie Byrd

Stephanie Byrd has raised $757 out of their goal of $500

$757 raised (151%)

Campaign Activity

See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!


Amigone Funeral Home, Inc. donated $100.00 and generously covered the transaction fee

6 months ago

Cassandra Hoebbel donated $25.00 and generously covered the transaction fee

6 months ago

$50.00 was anonymously donated and fees were generously covered

6 months ago

Colleen Struebel donated $30.00

From Linda Struebel

7 months ago

Charlotte Rink donated $3.00 and generously covered the transaction fee

7 months ago