Destigmatize mental health at every stage of life

Ascension Leadership Academy’s 15 day campaign to support The Big Silence

We believe that anyone suffering with mental health issues deserves support Too many people live in areas where mental health support is unavailable or too costly. Moreover, people do not seek support because of the stigma, even though over 40% of Americans struggle with mental health. Two of the most common mental health disorders – anxiety and depression – cost the US economy $1 trillion every year. Mental health issues can affect people at any stage of life causing distress, dysfunction, and even death.

As the 13th class of Ascension Leadership Academy, we are taking a stand to address mental health issues by partnering with The Big Silence. This 501c3 non-profit cultivates conversations and offers resources and programs to destigmatize and change the culture around mental health. The foundation activates programs and tools to support people’s mental health journey from childhood to adulthood.

When you contribute as part of our campaign, you’re supporting a transformative solution to the mental health crisis in the United States.

Our team of 24 people is committed to raising $50,000 in 15 days to act as a catalyst for The Big Silence.

Together we can destigmatize mental health and provide care for people of all ages.

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