The 2024 Partners in Hope Gala will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2024. The event will be held once again at the Benton Convention Center. And as always, we can’t have a successful event without your help! 

We invite you to join us by becoming a sponsor for our 21st Annual Partners in Hope fundraiser. Your sponsorship will allow us to continue our work to provide hope and inspire others to join us in our efforts to strengthen families, build communities, and reduce poverty in the Piedmont Triad region.

We hope that we can count on your support in our efforts to host a successful 21st Annual Partners in Hope Gala!  

If you have questions or would like additional information, please get in touch with our office support team at 336-714-3228 or

Thanks in advance for being OUR Partner in Hope!













Sponsorship Levels

CHARITY - $10,000
Reserved tables for 16 guests (2 tables)
Full page color acknowledgment in event program (sized 5.5” wide by 8” high)
Sponsor recognition on name tags
Recognition on ballroom video screen
Recognition on signage at the event
Listing in event advertising in local print media for business and parish
Listing on Partners in Hope website with logo
Listing in the program

HOPE - $5,000
Reserved tables for 8 guests (1 table)
Half page color acknowledgment in event program (sized 5.5” wide by 3.5” high)
Sponsor recognition on name tags
Recognition on ballroom video screen
Recognition on signage at the event
Listing in event advertising in local print media for business and parish sponsors
Listing on Partners in Hope website with logo
Listing in the program

FAITH - $3,500
Reserved seating for 4 guests
Quarter page color acknowledgement in event program (sized 2.5” wide by 3.5” tall)
Sponsor recognition on name tags
Recognition on ballroom video screen
Recognition on signage at the event
Listing in event advertising in local print media for business and parish sponsors
Listing on Partners in Hope website with logo
Listing in the program

MERCY - $2,500
Reserved seating for 4 guests
Sponsor recognition on name tags
Recognition on ballroom video screen
Recognition on signage at the event
Listing in event advertising in local print media for business and parish sponsors
Listing on Partners in Hope website with logo
Listing in the program

LOVE - $1,000
Reserved seating for 4 guests
Sponsor recognition on name tags
Recognition on ballroom video screen
Listing on Partners in Hope website
Listing in the program

Reserved seating for 2 guests
Sponsor recognition on name tags
Listing on Partners in Hope website
Listing in the program
2024 Partners in Hope
Thursday, April 4, 2024,
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem

Your sponsorship is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.