For two decades, Chiditarod has been Chicago's 100% volunteer-driven Epic Urban Shopping Cart Race, charity food drive, costumed beauty pageant, talent show, fundraiser, and chaos generator. It is probably the world's largest mobile food drive.
Every dollar you donate makes a difference to organizations working to alleviate food insecurity experienced by our friends and neighbors in food deserts and those who are impacted by rising food costs due to inflation.
Join us, and help us celebrate a remarkable twenty years of feeding people and six figures in fundraising.
Farmer's Markets not only provide fresh food, but many double SNAP benefits so fruits and veggies are available on a budget
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Nomeward Bound #1 has raised $27,170 out of their goal of $26,800
Six Pack Attack has raised $8,482 out of their goal of $7,000
COREGANIZERS! has raised $4,442 out of their goal of $5,000
The Leaderboard: Comments, Activity, Donations