Create a Garden.
Inspire a Generation.


About the Campaign

We love school gardens! We love them because they generate so many benefits to the health of children, their families and to their communities.

  1. ✓ Increase opportunities for children and their families to eat more local fruits and vegetables
  2. ✓ Improve children's physical activity levels
  3. ✓ Promote a sense of pride and stewardship of meaningful natural resources. Strengthen social interactions between children, their families and the community
  4. ✓ School gardens are great educational tools that can integrate all academic subjects and teach practical skills such as growing, harvesting and cooking food. For some students with learning challenges, the gardens become more important as they often learn better in hands on and outdoor settings
  5. ✓ Provide opportunities to donate food to local programs for disadvantaged people
  6. ✓ Increase green space, reduce the “heat island” phenomenon in urban settings, decrease carbon emissions and reduce soil erosion

There are 15,500 schools in Canada. Can you imagine what we can achieve if we all work together to create a garden and be the catalyst to inspire a generation? If each school is able to build a garden that would generate exponential benefits to our children's health, our communities and across Canada!

Help us now to create gardens and inspire a healthier, active and engaged generation of children who are enabled to achieve their full potential. 

Start Fundraising or Donate Now

Help Build a Wood Rail Fence ($5,000) CA$5,000

Your donation will help kick start a school garden with a 150ft x 150ft wood rail fence.


Help Build a Garden Shelter ($2,500) CA$2,500

A 4ft x 8ft garden is a sufficient sized garden for a class of 25 students. If the garden beds are raised, students in wheelchairs get to plant, too! The shelter protects the garden during the winter and allows the children to have access to the garden during rainy or winter weather. This amount covers the cost of one garden bed and construction materials for one 4ft x 8ft garden shed.


Help Build a School Garden ($1,000) CA$1,000

A 4ft x 8ft garden is a sufficient sized garden for a class of 25 students. If the garden beds are raised, students in wheelchairs get to plant, too! This amount covers the cost of two raised garden beds.


Outfit a School Garden With Basic Tools ($250) CA$250

A school garden needs basic garden tools such as forks, spades, rakes, hand trowels, water hoses, markers and watering cans just to name a few.


Help Provide a School Garden 12 Packs of Seeds ($50) CA$50

Your donation will provide 12 packs of various organic, non-GMO vegetable seeds and herb seeds.


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