Stay Strong Puerto Rico has raised $65,912 out of their goal of $65,000
After the first major earthquake hit on January 6, 2020, ConPRmetidos' team and volunteers went into action by going to one of the hardest hit towns, Guayanilla, to provide $15,000 of emergency relief items like food, water, flashlights, cots, tents, gas canisters, and medical supplies, etc. While there, we also met with local leaders and residents to determine other immediate and long term needs.
Thanks to these real-time, on the ground, information and data gathering efforts, we have decided to jumpstart the long-term recovery of the southern part of the island with grants and to support the following:
Counseling and mental health services for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and the very young, who are now severely traumatized and need help to get stabilized and back to normal function;
The recruitment of volunteer engineers to check that homes and other essential buildings are structurally safe; and
Other projects and economic development opportunities, with local partner organizations, in order to ensure the long-term recovery and sustainability of communities affected by the earthquakes and the hurricanes.
These recent earthquakes have shown us how we can work together towards achieving our mission of creating a stable, productive, self-sufficient Puerto Rico.
Please support our STAY STRONG campaign now!
Equipo ConPRmetidos
Your generous contribution to ConPRmetidos supports community-driven efforts in Puerto Rico for the long term recovery of our island’s people.
Over the last seven years, ConPRmetidos has reflected and expanded its focus with the evolving needs of vulnerable communities hammered by a 15 year-long economic crisis, the exodus of one quarter of the island's population, the devastation caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria, and the physical damages and emotional terror created by the recent earthquakes.
Our process is straightforward, our goals are ambitious, and our commitment to Puerto Rico is unwavering.
ConPRmetidos is learning from individual and collective experiences to expand the organization’s capabilities and to support the implementation of successful strategies and projects which improve the lives and future prospects of our people.
A primary vehicle for the help provided by ConPRmetidos is through our Collaborative Impact Grant (CIG) program.
The CIG model is designed to help reputable and vetted local nonprofit organizations with a combination of grants, technical assistance and networking supports, to ensure that each can:
a) execute their programs or projects according to plan;
b) build their capacity and scale their work;
c) increase their networks, thus their influence; and
d) achieve greater impact island-wide.
We take community driven, grassroots projects from crawl to walk to run, and jumpstart recovery and renewal activity following disastrous events, such as hurricanes and earthquakes.
Supporting ConPRmetidos helps global know-how and capital reach deep into the island, enabling grassroots doers to have access to funding, new models and ideas, and collaborative markets and talent.
This is how ConPRmetidos is creating the stable, productive and self-sustaining future we envision for Puerto Rico.