Lona Ingwerson has gifted Adventure Unlimited $1,000,000 to support our camp's greatest current need - additional staff housing. Adventure Unlimited has long felt the need for suitable and sustainable housing for both full-time and seasonal staff at the A/U Ranches property.
Lona's desire to meet this need promises to transform the staff experience for generations to come. In order to best meet this housing need, Adventure Unlimited would like to raise funds to supplement the Ingwerson gift.
From Lona Ingwerson and the Ingwerson family:
I don't think any of us could ever measure the impact that Adventure Unlimited has made in the lives of young Christian Scientists.
But we know it is immense.
It can be indirect. It can emerge years later. Or often it is immediate. It can be triggered by a late-night talk with a counselor under the stars or an earnest conversation across a bunk.
It may have simply been the feeling of Christian Science camaraderie in a world where you sometimes think you're the only teenager alive who's a Christian Scientist. I once had a mother call me whose daughter went to camp highly resentful of having to go and came back a Christian Scientist.
I wonder how many more there are of those who feel this way and never say it. We want to support that impact for the generations to come.
So the next meaningful contribution we can make to the cause of Adventure Unlimited is to provide a welcoming and comfortable home for A/U Ranches staff members right on the camp property.
With the rising cost of living in Buena Vista, this housing can help make those critical staff roles more affordable while further strengthening the family atmosphere of the A/U Ranches.
We're grateful to be able to support this project.