Inspire Hope has raised $246,113 out of their goal of $300,000
Please help us continue to change lives
MBW humbly asks for your consideration of a monetary donation this giving season.
Many of our trainees start with us with no positive leaders or role models in their lives. They have a hard time trusting adults and even making eye contact and having conversations can be a challenge. As trusted relationships within MBW grow, the change in the trainees is noticeable by all. Giving the trainees a safe space and options that they didn’t even know existed changes their outlook and perspective. Social skills, eye contact, level of respect and politefulness all improve immensely.
It is through the support of our private and corporate donors that our holistic program is able to provide education, mentoring, counseling, on-the-job training, and job placement to young men and women in the USVI. With your generosity, we will continue to offer each trainee in our program individualized vocational training along with our wrap-around services. On average, a trainee in our program spends 9-12 months at MBW with an individualized path of training.
Your support will help young men and women in the USVI find purpose and passion.
How can I help?
You can't put a price on love, but this $7,000 donation could sponsor a trainee's time at MBW...and that is one amazing way to give LOVE!
Your gift could provide one month at MBW which includes mental health counseling, case management on their individualized program, assignment into a vocational facility of their choice, resume building, and soft skills training. (On average a trainee is at MBW for 9-12 months)
This $500 donation could help provide an individual enrollment into the program and 4 weeks of the building blocks to success which include a stipend while building confidence and learning the importance of a strong work ethic.
On average, a student costs $7,000 per year to complete our program. With this gift, you could be giving a youth a gift of acceptance into the program, with all the supplies and stipends for two weeks of training.
Together we will build a better future for youth in the USVI
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