About the Campaign

In the Town of Highland, Sullivan County, New York, Northgate Resorts is proposing to overhaul the former Kittatinny Campground with an operation they call Camp FIMFO.  The proposal would transform most of the existing low impact tent camp sites to RV sites, cabins or glamping structures with water, sewage and/or electric hook ups; adding a mountain roller coaster, water slides, a swimming pool, mini golf, more parking, more septic systems, as well as replacing some of the old existing buildings with new.

According to one official on the Upper Delaware Council, this is the largest development project ever to come to the region. 

Overall, the true scale and impacts of the project are being masked by a lack of information.  It also seems clear that if Northgate gets to have its way, we will be seeing more theme-park-like operations of this kind invading our Upper Delaware region and magnifying the harm. 

"Camp FIMFO is a massive project that's going to inflict irreparable harm and have dramatic changes for the Town of Highland and for the river corridor." Maya van Rossum, Delaware Riverkeeper.

To learn more about the issue, please visit this DRN webpage dedicated to No Camp FIMFO news.

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