Partner with Prospera to help us reach our goal of $20,000.
COVID-19 took us all by surprise, but we got to work quickly to offer our community of
Latina immigrant entrepreneurs some help navigating the pandemic.
Together we continue to combat the isolation of lockdown by maintaining a strong network of communication and an engaging stream of programs designed to fuel strength and resilience that our participants in turn transmit to their families and communities.
So far, we have been able to support 41 women who participate in our programs, helping to stabilize 11 businesses currently in incubation.
The Latina Entrepreneur Resiliency Fund helps entrepreneurs cover the basic needs that have been compromised as a result of COVID-19, and adapt their businesses to this new era so that they can emerge from it stronger and wiser.
The Fund may have been born in COVID times, but it is not limited to them.
Our vision is for it to continue to provide an emergency safety net for our community
in the years to come.
We are resilient and we need each other.
Please, help us achieve our goal of
supporting Latina immigrant entrepreneurs during these challenging times.
Donate, get your family and friends involved,
or help spread the word.
Every contribution counts and can make a huge impact on our community.
“More than financial support, we receive hope. Hope to move forward, hope to remain in our business, because after the COVID we were strongly affected and we are at risk of closing. However, Prospera arrived and told us: “Look, we have this fund to help you.” Without restrictions, without long applications, without having to speak other languages.”
Anahi Rojas, Founder Professional Eco-Cleaning
"This fund is growing, it’s empowering us. This is not charity; we own this and we are building a stronger community. We can vote, we have a voice and we can make decisions for ourselves. Even though sometimes we are left out of this economy, we are part of this economy! With this fund, we are empowering a whole community and we are helping people that are not being considered in this worldwide pandemic.”
Daniella Preisler, Co-Founder of Colmenar Cooperative Consulting
"Being part of an organization like Prospera and the Resiliency Fund, has given us strength, it has given us motivation, and it has made us feel that we are not alone.
Lourdes Cruz, Founder Wellness To go
"I felt that I fit right in and was finally able to feel accepted and be part of a community with women who look and speak like me and even share some of the same experiences. Connecting with this group of women and being able to benefit from the resources they offer has been the best part of my year."
Denisse Cardona, Operations Manager Professional Eco-Cleaning
"Of course, the pandemic affects everyone, but once again we get in the back of the line, facing rifts that we have already walked and learned, but that nevertheless are prickly and dangerous: the language barrier, the lack of economic opportunity and access to wealth, and as if that were not enough, the risk to our health."
Ana Castaño, Co-founder/Owner and Nanny at Luna y Sol Bay Area Nanny Collective
Prospera Fellow 2020-2021 & Secretary of the Board of Directors of Prospera
Your contribution supports one entrepreneur in covering some of the basic needs that have been compromised by a loss of income due to COVID-19.
Your contribution directly supports the recovery and stabilization of an entrepreneur’s business that has suffered due to COVID-19.
Latino Community Foundation
Community Initiatives
JP Morgan Chase
San Francisco Foundation
Chavez Family Foundation
The Chrysalis Fund
East Bay Community Energy
Beneficial State Foundation
Union Bank
Latinos in Tech
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
Thanks to partners like them we have raised a total of $158,500.
Campaign Activity
See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!
Marc Schechter donated $108.10
Ryan Honeyman donated $105.00
Marc Schechter donated $138.73
Marc Schechter donated $92.00
Diana Gomez donated $262.50
Gracias por su hermosa labor de amor a nuestra comunidad <3 Pa'lante!!