Running to 

Connect Ambition to Opportunity 

“In a time when most Americans believe the American Dream is dead and economic mobility is farfetched, the first-generation college population is a true testament to the fact that the American Dream is reachable.”

- Nasir Qadree, Huffington Post

In 2010, I set out to run 51 marathons, one in every state plus Washington D.C., to raise $1 million for first-generation college students. My fundraising will support scholarships and America Needs You (ANY), a nonprofit that fights for economic mobility for first-generation college students. To date, I have completed 17 marathons. With every marathon I run, your support allows first-generation college students to access the opportunities they need to realize their potential.

Thank you for your support, and let's continue to spread the word! Do not hesitate to reach out to me, I am always keen to run with you!

To learn more about me and my goals visit Follow my progress on Instagram and Twitter @NasirQadree

Next race:

OCTOBER 16-17, 2021 Denver Colfax Marathon

About America Needs You

ANY fights for economic mobility for ambitious, first-generation college students from low-income households. Their flagship program, the Fellows Program, helps students maintain enrollment in school and make the connection between college and career. They do this by providing a structured career development curriculum, one-on-one mentorship from talented young professionals and access to extensive professional networks. 

At a time when only 11% of first-generation college students graduate from college, students served by ANY achieve outstanding results: 

  • Over 90% of Fellows gain hands-on experience in career-trajectory internships or projects
  • Over 90% of Fellow alumni graduate within six years of enrollment
  • Nearly 90% of Fellow alumni or employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduating

You can learn more about America Needs You by visiting their website at

In the News

Read the media coverage of my journey: 

December 10, 2017 - Dallas NBC DFW

January 9, 2018 - The Huffington Post 

November 30, 2018 - Memphis Local 24

Your Impact:

Resume Review and Mock Interviews $25

Your gift can help first-generation college students prepare for a successful career by supporting the Fellows Program's resume review and mock interviews.


Internship Support $50

Your gift can help a first-generation college student gain valuable workplace experience in an internship.


Printing Career Guides $100

Your gift can help provide professional development workbooks to students to teach them the skills they need to succeed.


Providing Professional Clothing $500

Your gift can help provide professional clothing to first-generation college students, ensuring that Fellows have the confidence to accompany their skills when they attend an interview.
