Nursery School Wish List

About the Campaign

The Parents Association, in partnership with the nursery school, facilitates opportunities throughout the year to enhance the school experience for our children and their families. The items on our wish list extend the sense of community formed inside the nursery school's classrooms that go beyond Parent Association dues and tuition fees. Your gift through the wish list, at any level, works toward our goal of making your family's experience the very best it can be. Please consider a generous gift today, as our school is dependent upon the support of parents, grandparents, alumni, and special friends like you who make our work possible.

How To Help

Challah for Weekly Shabbat Celebrations $360

Help usher in Shabbat by providing a year's worth of challah for our all-school weekly Shabbat Celebrations.


Friday Coffee Chats with Shari $500

Supply the much needed beverages served at our monthly coffee chats. Caffeinated or decaf, sometimes the best conversations require an extra boost.


Classroom Supplies $2,000

Help outfit our classrooms with overhead projectors, blackout shade, ramp center kits, and more!


Orientation and Professional Development $3,000

Our teachers are always learners. Help provide the necessary sustenance to fuel our teachers during staff orientation and professional development days. This includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks.


Discretionary Fund $20,000

Help support the needs of our school throughout the year. From supplies to snacks, books to first aid supplies, we need your help!


Campaign Activity

See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!