In 2015, the Usher Syndrome Coalition, with the help of Senator Ron Wyden and staff, declared the third Saturday in September as “Usher Syndrome Awareness Day,” a day that falls near the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere. Since then, our incredible community has twice Owned the Equinox leading up to "our" day, clocking thousands of steps and miles, tweets and posts, all in the name of raising awareness for Usher syndrome, the most common genetic cause of combined deafness and blindness.
On August 22, 2017, join us for this 26-day challenge, culminating in our third global Usher Syndrome Awareness Day on Saturday, September 16, 2017.
Why Own the Equinox?
The autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere marks the start of days that contain more darkness than light. It is a powerful metaphor for the threat of Usher syndrome. By Owning the Equinox and spreading global awareness for Usher syndrome, our community has the power, today, to stop our world from sliding into darkness.
If you're not on social media, but still want to Own the Equinox, let us know where you are and what you're up to. We want to share your efforts with the world! Email Julia at with your location and how you're choosing to Own the Equinox.
Click "Become a Fundraiser" above to create your personalized page and begin sharing how you're Owning the Equinox for USH awareness!
Learn more about the Usher Syndrome Coalition and get the Own the Equinox toolkit and other resources.
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