Power Lab has raised $165,000 out of their goal of $350,000
The Girls Leadership Power Lab is a national incubator to disrupt the loss of voice and confidence for over one million girls. Between ages 8 and 14 girls confidence drops by 30%. The loss of voice and confidence for adolescent girls is now compounded by a rising mental health crisis:
We can no longer wait for girls to opt-into gender specific programs. The Girls Leadership Power Lab is pushing social and emotional skills out to where girls already are every day: in school, in sports, and in after-school programs.
We are building culturally reponsive curriculum for girls in grades 6 - 12, to be taught through a trauma informed approach. The result will be professional development trainings and support for thousands of teachers, sports coaches, guidance counselors and professionals who work with girls every day. We can't afford to lose a single voice.
Donate today. This $2M initiative will reach 1M girls, so for every $2 donated, we can reach one more girl.
The Power Lab Will:
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