Help support a family in crisis.
A donation at any level reflects your commitment to supporting the most vulnerable in our community. All support levels are welcome. Select donate and enter any amount you choose.
A donation at this level can fund a session between a child victim and a trauma-informed therapist at no cost to the family, Davis House provides this service for as long as a child needs it.
About the Campaign
Davis House provides investigative, advocacy, family support, and therapeutic services for all reported cases of children who have experienced sexual, significant physical abuse, or other traumatic events in Williamson County. Davis House also provides prevention education in our communities, helping adults recognize and respond appropriately to signs of child sexual abuse.
As a 501c3 non-profit, Davis House provides all of it services to at no cost to the families they serve. All community education programs are provided for FREE. We could not do this without your support.
Thank you for helping us make a true difference in the lives of the children (and their families) who come through our doors.