VETERANS DAY 10K

About the Campaign

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Task Force Dagger Foundation

Veterans Day 10K

11 Nov - Washington DC.

We have volunteers that are running to raise funds for the Task Force Dagger Foundation. 

These funds will go to support our three core programs and the service men, women, and families currently serving, retired, and veterans of the US Special Operations Command.

Task For Force Dagger Foundation provides programs and services in three areas: Immediate Needs, SOF Health Initiatives, and Rehabilitative Therapy Events.


1. Immediate Needs: when called upon, TFD assists Special Operations personnel and their families with needs that are not covered by the Military, DoD, VA, or their insurance. Our average response time from request to support is ~two hours.


2. SOF Health Initiatives: TFD assists SOF personnel and their families with care and treatment that is designed to treat the problem and not the symptom.  We look at treating the whole body and how to heal the person versus treatment where providing prescription medication as the answer. We are working with various organizations on ways to treat Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) in order to reduce the number of veteran suicides as well as reduce environmental exposures that over time will affect the Service Member’s quality of life and health.


3. Rehabilitative Therapy Events: TF Dagger sponsors activities that foster a sense of well-being, offer encouragement, and assist the service member’s rehabilitation and recovery from wounds/injuries sustained while serving our country.


One of our core beliefs is that if the service member is injured, the whole family is injured and must heal together. Teamwork is more than being on a Team, it is being part of a family that is stronger together. As such, when we conduct a rehabilitative therapy event, we bring the whole family and include the whole family in the activities. 

For more information on our three programs, please visit www.taskforcedagger

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Top Individuals

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View Top Individual - 'Candice Knoll' fundraiser page using image
Candice Knoll

Candice Knoll has raised $630 out of their goal of $3,000

$630 raised (21%)
View Top Individual - 'Robin Marsh' fundraiser page using image
Robin Marsh

Robin Marsh has raised $1,134 out of their goal of $1,000

$1,134 raised (113%)
View Top Individual - 'Nancy Rosales' fundraiser page using image
Nancy Rosales

Nancy Rosales has raised $0 out of their goal of $1,000

$0 raised (0%)
View Top Individual - 'Maite Gasco' fundraiser page using image
Maite Gasco

Maite Gasco has raised $0 out of their goal of $500

$0 raised (0%)
View Top Individual - 'Neha Gupta' fundraiser page using image
Neha Gupta

Neha Gupta has raised $1,630 out of their goal of $1,000

$1,630 raised (163%)

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