Help Build Strong Futures for 

K-12 Students Across Oakland

Support Our Newcomer Students $100

A gift of $100 can buy a coat or jacket for Newcomer students, ensuring they show up to school warm and ready to learn.


Boost Literacy for Young Readers $500

A gift of $500 can advance literacy by buying books for our next Heritage Read-In Week.


Support Learning Beyond the Classroom $1,500

A gift of $1,500 can help a class attend a field trip to a local museum or the Oakland Zoo.


Fund Educator Professional Development $5,000

A gift of $5,000 can help a group of teachers attend a professional development event – supporting teacher practice and retention.


Your Gift Will Help All Oakland Students 

Learn, Grow, and Thrive


This year, the Oakland Public Education Fund celebrated its 20th Anniversary.

 We are thrilled with what we've accomplished on behalf of Oakland public school students since launching in 2003. We are incredibly grateful for the dedication and ongoing support of our community that has enabled our work since day one. 

Your gift this holiday season will provide valuable support as we embark on the next chapter of advancing educational equity in Oakland. 

The Ed Fund has grown significantly in the past 20 years, all while staying true to our mission of ensuring that all Oakland public school students have what they need to learn, grow, and thrive. 

We are the only nonprofit raising funds for all Oakland public schools and serve as the Oakland Unified School District's (OUSD) official education fundSince our founding, we've raised over $200M for Oakland teachers and students and placed over 10,000 volunteers in classrooms. 

All of these accomplishments would not be possible without the support of donors like you. In 2023 alone, your contributions helped us: 

  • Invest $1.5 million to launch our first-ever endowment to provide A to Z mini-grants to teachers in perpetuity.
  • Award $289,000 of A to Z mini-grants to 182 educators across Oakland, funding field trips, innovative classroom projects, and teacher professional development.
  • Clear nearly 2,000 parent, guardian, and community volunteers for all OUSD schools. And connect 240 ongoing volunteers across 59 schools, totaling 6,000+ volunteer hours.
  • Connect nearly 600 volunteers for our volunteer event weeks such as Read-Ins, Back to School campus cleanups, and more.
  • Buy 500+ coats for Newcomer students, many of whom arrived in the U.S. without a jacket or coat to stay warm in the winter.
  • Launch ConstructionLink, a new program that provides mentorship and skills training for 30 students enrolled in the Construction and Architecture Pathway at Fremont High School.
  • Facilitate TechLink, a paid summer fellowship and mentorship program for 39 high school students to build pathways for underrepresented students to careers in the tech industry.
  • Host 4 Literature Read-Ins at 50 schools, reaching over 20,000 K-5 students.
  • Give over $100,000 in emergency cash assistance to Oakland students and families experiencing hardships, and another $82,000 in cash assistance to Oakland teachers in need to help them stay in Oakland schools.
  • Award $20,000 to 5 Oakland high school athletic teams to participate in the State Championship game in their sport.
  • Assemble over 2,000 LitKits, with the help of 30 volunteers, and distribute them to 10 OUSD elementary schools targeting TK-2nd grade students and families.

With your support, we can continue to bridge educational equity gaps in Oakland and build futures for our students!

Campaign Activity

See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!


$1,500.00 was donated anonymously

All children deserve a learning environment where they thrive, feel inspired, feel safe, and can grow. Thank you for doing this work. 

a year ago

Jane Mauldon donated $1,000.00

a year ago

Anita Wood donated $1,000.00

a year ago

adrian mcgilly donated $200.00 and generously covered the transaction fee

a year ago

Jean Taylor donated $250.00

a year ago