About the Campaign

Providing Swap-portunity for Cancer Survivors 

Join us for The Great Swap Out campaign running the entire month of May! The goal of our Swap-athon is to encourage supporters to swap out every day, weekly or monthly purchase items and use the funds instead as a donation to Cancer for College. 

By swapping an item, you are not only making a positive impact in the life of a cancer survivor but also making a positive impact on your own lifestyle. 

Ready for some Swap Examples? 

 Select one swap from below or feel free to even come up with your own creative swaps! 

  • $5 - Donate $5 bucks by pledging to give up renting a movie at least one time this month. You could help our cause by reading a book or starring at your phone for a few hours instead.

  • $20 - Donate $20 by pledging to wash your own car for the month. Imagine the joy and satisfaction you will feel washing your own car or just leave it dirty for a month. We won't tell anyone if you don't.

  • $50 - Swap out booze for the month and donate $50 bucks. You will look thinner, feel better and the absolute best part is that giving to charity never leaves you with a nasty hangover!

  • $100 - Swap out a round of golf this month and make a $100 donation.  Stay home with the family, cross something off the honey-do list and donate your green fee to the cause. We guarantee that you will lose fewer golf balls in the process. 

  • $150 - Swap out dining out for the month and donate $150 to the cause. Why eat out when you can make a delicious home cooked meal? Plus you go out, have a few drinks, you need an Uber. It really adds up. Just stay home one night and support the cause.


Questions? Please contact sarah@cancerforcollege.org. 

Campaign Activity

See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!


Maddison Sargent donated $20.00

4 years ago 1

Aida Merrill donated $52.60

4 years ago

Brian McClendon donated $100.00

4 years ago

Owen Pollard donated $526.00

4 years ago 1

Greg Flores donated $105.20

In honor of Nurses Day!

4 years ago