Impact of your monthly support

Create writer training videos $25

Will free up staff to recruit more stories.


Support our office space for 1.5 months $50

Our office allows us to train volunteers, meet with our board, and keep all of our Facing Project files and materials in one spot.


Expand the single stories campaign $100

We'll collect 200 stories, working with 600 volunteers through the single stories campaign.


Launch 6 community projects $150

We'll support 6 projects and work with 450 volunteers.


About the Muse Collective

You inspire us! 

With you our story is bigger. 

In Ancient Greece the Muses were goddesses that inspired art, literature, and storytelling. Just as Homer looked to the Muses for inspiration to write the Odyssey, we're looking to you. 

You aren’t here by accident. You’ve been invited to join The Muse Collective, a core group of supporters who inspire our work.

Since our beginning, The Facing Project, a 501c3 nonprofit, has relied on volunteer hours, a few small fundraising events, and project affiliation fees. We’ve worked with more than 7,500 volunteers to help communities tell more than 1,500 stories that have created a more understanding and compassionate world and inspired action.

With your help, we are taking a huge step into our future. 

Over the next year, we project we will:

* produce 5X more stories 

*work with 4X more volunteers  

* grow our income-generating activities (affiliation fees, corporate projects, ad revenue) by 80%.

* expand our NPR radio/podcast show.

* hire a part-time employee (increasing our staff to two). 

The Muse Collective is a vital part of the work and helps to support The Facing Project’s overhead—operational and some personnel costs, including training materials and travel expenses—and ensures our work can impact as many communities as possible. AND any gift from a Muse will be matched by a generous contribution from Marianne Glick and Mike Woods. 

The Muse Collective allows us to plan for the future, creating efficiency, and stability. Muses provide more than just financial support—we need your encouragement and your critical feedback.

Although we've been around for a few years, in many ways The Facing Project is a startup, and, like any startup, we need visionary investors who believe in and support our business model. 


Muses can opt-in to any of the following benefits:

* We'll tell a story for you in the next year. We'll assign a writer to you or someone you connect us with, so you can experience (or gift) the full Facing Project treatment. 

* Invite to quarterly coffee open house with our founders Kelsey and J.R.

* Quarterly updates on successes, goals, and stuggles. 

* Free admission to any Facing Project ticketed event. 

* Invitation to the annual Feast of Muses (a fun raiser, not a fundraiser / all party and no asking for money). 

Members of the Muse Collective believe—like we do—that nothing can be changed until it is faced.

Will you join us?
