Make A Difference At Any Level!

Arts Instruction $50

Your gift helps to subsidize participation costs for students in year-round arts programming in a variety of disciplines, including: instrumental music, vocal music, dance, theater, poetry, visual arts, and more!


Creative Arts Therapy $100

Your gift creates opportunities for creative arts therapy programming, creating opportunities for all individuals in our community to connect and create in meaningful and life-changing ways.


Technology Arts $250

Your gifts provides access to curriculum and career pathways in digital technology, including; sound & lighting design, 3D animation software, and artificial intelligence instruction.


Ensemble Collaboration $500

Your gift realizes the potential of participation in large group instruction in a variety of disciplines, including: instrumental music, vocal music, theater, dance/movement, poetry, visual art, and more!


About the Campaign

The Upper Darby Arts & Education Foundation has an ambitious vision to create a Cultural Arts & Education Center at Barclay Square, thanks to federal ARPA funding and other additional, generous support to make this project a reality. 

Our organization is now seeking your support to make this facility truly world-class, and to provide impactful, innovative, affordable classes and workshops for our entire community. 

This facility has the potential to offer dance, musical theater, musical performance, music recording & production, 3D animation and artificial intelligence, visual arts, creative arts therapy ... AND MORE! 

We believe that the skills learned and mastered through the arts can play a crucial role in a young person's development, and we are dedicated to removing financial barriers in order to provide equitable access to these transformative experiences. 

But we need your help! 

Donate today to help our vision become a reality for the Cultural Arts & Education Center! 


Thanks to a generous, anonymous donor, the first $100,000 raised in this campaign will be MATCHED dollar-for-dollar to double your impact on this project!

Learn more about our vision in the video below: 

Campaign Activity

See who's supporting the cause! 


An anonymous donation was made

4 days ago

Steven DeMott donated $1,000.00

Please tag this as Board Member Giving

2 months ago

Anonymous Matching Sponsor matched the previous donation of $56.44

2 months ago

$50.00 was anonymously donated and fees were generously covered

2 months ago

Anonymous Matching Sponsor matched the previous donation

2 months ago