The Wish Gift helps families with financial need due to the costs of caring for a child with a Leukodystrophy. Please help their wishes come true!
Please note: Any funds raised above and beyond the cost of the Wish Gift will go into the general Wish Gift fund to be applied toward other Wish Gifts.
Wishes Do Come True...
David is an extraordinary 16-year-old boy with a smile that lights up every room he enters. He loves playing video games, anything and everything about dogs, and telling dad jokes. But what truly sets David apart is his incredible strength and resilience in the face of a life-altering diagnosis. In 2018, David’s family received the devastating news that he has a rare progressive neurological condition called Alexander Disease Leukodystrophy that affects his central nervous system. This condition, which slowly diminishes his physical abilities, began with subtle signs: a slight stumble when he walked, difficulty gripping his pencil in school, and growing fatigue after playtime. At first, these symptoms seemed minor, but they soon escalated. This is where your support can make a world of difference. By contributing to David’s fundraising campaign, you’re not only helping to cover the cost of a van modification to install a wheelchair ramp—you’re giving David the chance to thrive despite his diagnosis. Your generosity will enable him to access the care and experiences he needs to keep smiling, dreaming, and inspiring everyone around him.
Emma is so outgoing and she just loves life. She's growing bigger and thriving better more and more each day. She has a power wheelchair that cannot be put into my current car. Too heavy to lift (425 pounds) and my current car cannot handle that weight on a cargo carrier on the back end without being nose up. She's starting to outgrow her adaptive stroller, and the insurance company won't help with another due to her having the power wheelchair. We will be able to continue to do things with her and her being comfortable in her chair tailored to her.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! My son Gavin, nearly 10, has autism, global delay, ADHD, DMDD, and a Chiari malformation. He lost his language at 3, briefly regained it, and then lost it again by 5. Gavin struggles with self-injury and aggression, often due to frustration from not being able to communicate. Despite this, he’s affectionate, joyful, and loves activities like swimming and swinging. He’s more than his diagnoses and is our greatest teacher. We pray for a world where he can communicate and feel understood. We want to create a calm, sensory-safe room for Gavin to play, relax, and watch videos. We’re grateful for the support of this fundraiser—thank you for being here.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! We received our 13 year old son Joshua’s devastating diagnosis of Adrenal-leukodystrophy in December 2023. He maintained physical mobility until November 2024, when he lost the ability almost overnight to walk and sit up independently. He is now completely wheelchair bound. It has been almost impossible to get him to his many specialist appointments. We also are limited in our ability to go anywhere as a family. One of our main family activities before he lost mobility was going to church. That, to our heartbreak, has become impossible now without a van that can safely transport him in his wheelchair. We need a wheelchair van both for practical aspects as well as to improve the quality of the life he has left. Great news! We have learned that we can have our current van modified for wheelchair accessibility for just less than $8,000! Thank you so much for your support. We are getting closer to our goal because of your help!
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Tyler is a 20 year old young man who was diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy at the age of 4. He is my grandson and has lived with me most of his life. We live in the mountains of New Mexico and need a reliable vehicle for the terrain and the weather. Due to the location of our home, we just travel 2-3 hours each way when seeing specialists for his disease. We have put a lot of miles on our current vehicle from this traveling. Your generosity to help us is greatly appreciated.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! From Hailey's mother - Just saying thank you doesn't seem like it's enough. With the help of friends, family, our community and organizations like Hunter's Hope we were able to get Hailey her Wheelchair accessible van. Hailey, being able to have access to a vehicle that fits her wheelchair, has already opened up more of the world to her. The first thing Hailey was able to do was go to the movies with some of her friends from school. What teenager doesn't want to be able to do that? Having this wheelchair van has lifted a lot of limitations that we had previously. We will now also be able to take Hailey to all her doctor's appointments comfortably and safely. Thank you for helping us do this for our daughter and our family.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Brandon and Nathan are identical twins with Late Onset Krabbe Leukodystrophy. The boys are in need of a wheelchair van that can accommodate two wheelchairs. The van will allow the boys to have easier travel to go out for activities such as the movies, beach, and shopping. It will also help the boys get to their doctor’s appointments. Both Brandon and Nathan love going for car rides and going over all the bumps.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Emma Hope Gilbert was born on October 6, 2010, as a healthy seven-pound baby and quickly became a cherished first grandchild. However, around her fourth birthday, her hands began to shake, and after a serious illness, her balance deteriorated. A neurologist eventually diagnosed her with Vanishing White Matter (VWM), a progressive and fatal disorder affecting her central nervous system. Now nearly 14, Emma uses a wheelchair full-time and faces significant health challenges. Her family strives to create joyful experiences for her, seeking a wheelchair-accessible van to help make lasting memories with loved ones.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Message from Jackie Taylor - We really like this van as it is a life-saver! It will make it so much easier to take Brandon to his doctor's appointments. Now it won't hurt him trying to get him in the vehicle. I want to thank everyone with all my heart for doing this for Brandon. Thank you once again!!! Brandon Tyler is a spirited 25-year-old diagnosed with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease at 6 months old. Despite being told he might not live past 2, he’s celebrating his 26th birthday this July! His parents, Andy and Jackie, along with his brother Matthew, work hard to provide the care he needs. Recently enrolled in palliative care due to ongoing pain, Brandon still lights up with smiles, especially surrounded by his family. We urgently need a wheelchair-accessible van for Brandon. Transporting him to appointments has become difficult, especially with his dad's back and heart issues and his mom’s recent leg amputation. Our goal is to make these trips easier for everyone. Thank you for reading Brandon's story and for your generosity—it truly means the world to us.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Hi! My name is Scarlett. I have Krabbe disease. This terminal illness put me in a wheelchair. Now, I am hoping to get a lift so I can get into my family’s pool. The pool isn’t just for joy, but the water, itself, helps my body in many ways. Thank you for helping me!
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! In August of 2020, we adopted Alice who was a happy, typical child. She had made great progress with her speech, was potty trained, and loved to laugh and get a rise out of whoever she could. In April of 2021, we noticed Alice was walking funny and was regressing in other areas. In July of 2021, we were told to take Alice for further testing to figure out what kind of white matter disease she had. After testing, MRIs, and genetic testing, Alice was diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy at CHOP. Since Alice was diagnosed, she has lost the ability to walk, talk, eat, swallow, hold her head up and more. Alice requires 24/7 care. She has a feeding tube for nutrition and uses multiple machines and medications. This Wish Gift will allow us to renovate our bathroom for Alice. From day one of diagnosis, I promised Alice “I will be with you every step of the way, no matter how hard it gets.” She is what keeps me going. She has certainly changed my life for the better.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you for visiting Emmett’s therapy dog fundraiser page! Emmett, 2 years old and adopted, faces challenges like bilateral open lip Schizencephaly, Septo-optic dysplasia (making him legally blind), and feeding difficulties requiring a G-tube. Despite it all, he’s the happiest boy, attending numerous therapies and doctor appointments each week, including trips to see Krabbe specialists. Our goal is to get Emmett a service dog to assist with mobility, keep him safe during seizures, and provide comfort. Any help is greatly appreciated, and we hope to pay it forward to another family in need one day! Thank you!
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! This is Killian Viktorius Christie. He is a sweet 4 year-old boy from San Andreas, CA. Killian has 4 loving older sisters and is the only boy out of his siblings. Killian was diagnosed with LI-MLD at 2 years old and has managed to stay happy and full of smiles despite the physical regression associated with his illness. His parents, Josh & Hope, do their best to provide a quality of life both for Killian and their daughters who are not affected by MLD. Being that MLD affects the body in many physical aspects, including causing the affected person to go blind, his parents have found new ways to help Killian find enjoyment in his short life. Traveling is a big factor in helping Killian be happy. The vibration of the road, the sounds of the world around him and his whole family singing songs down the highway. The new smells and textures are all part of the journey that make Killian's life as full as it can be. With your help and the donation of a new handicap accessible sprinter van, the Christie family can keep providing these adventures for Killian in a comfortable and safe way. We are aware these vehicles are expensive but the memories created are absolutely priceless. Thank You!
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Josiah has a very rare leukodystrophy called H-ABC. He needs a wheelchair accessible vehicle to get him to and from appointments and activities! Will you help us by making a donation to Jo Jo's Journey today?
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Owen is a hilarious, outgoing, ray-of-sunshine 7 year old little boy in 1st grade! Owen was diagnosed with Krabbe Leukodystrophy in utero because of his big sister, Mabry Kate, and was able to receive a stem cell transplant at birth. He has done remarkably well throughout his life, and with that comes his growing size. Now that he is older, transporting him is starting to become more of a challenge. His long legs have outgrown the backseat of his family's small Camry, and lifting him up into the more spacious backseat of the family's truck is definitely becoming somewhat of a challenge. A new van for Owen would not only provide Owen's family with more ease when traveling, but also a sense of independence for Owen on a daily basis! No gift is too small to put toward this life-changing gift, and Owen and his family are so grateful for your love and support!
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Bo, a happy 6 year old affectionately know to his family as Bo Baby, Bocephus, or Bobo, was diagnosed at an early age with Aicardi Goutierez Syndrome. Despite the struggles with his disease, Bo is a happy boy who communicates through contagious laughs, and squeals. He loves being tickled and touched and especially likes a head massage. He is very much loved on by his mom, dad, two sisters and countless family and friends. At this point, Bo still rides in a car seat, but as he approaches 7, it is becoming increasingly difficult to transport Bo, and his wheelchair in the two family vehicles. It is apparent to the Baker family that a change must occur to ensure the health and safety of Bo as he travels to school, therapy and to his many Doctor visits to Atlanta. Please help support the Baker family and Bo as we raise funds to purchase a handicap van for Bo! No donation is too small! Thank you!
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Rowdy Ray is a beautiful 4-year-old little boy diagnosed with oculodentodigital dysplasia, a rare syndrome that’s causing hypomyelinating leukodystrophy, along with progressive cerebral atrophy. Rowdy is always happy despite the struggles he often faces and can light up any room with his contagious smile. Our wish is to purchase a wheelchair-accessible van for Rowdy so we can have a more comfortable form of transportation as he continues to grow and for us to have room to fit Rowdy’s equipment and other needs. We are often on the road for appointments, school, therapy, and we love staying busy making memories. We strive to give Rowdy the best life and take in every moment we have with him.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! We have reached our goal! Thank you everyone who donated! The Webb Family is now able to get a Service Dog for Owen. Owen was able to have a life-saving transplant because he was diagnosed early. His quality of life would be greatly improved if he was able to have a service dog help him. Owen's older sister, Mabry Kate, also had Krabbe disease, but was diagnosed too late for transplant. Thank you for helping the Web Family.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Brian Hurst is a 29-year-old who has a diagnosis of metachromatic leukodystrophy. Brian has already experienced the death of his brother due to leukodystrophy and his mother commits herself to providing meaningful experiences and outings for Brian to ensure that he has quality of life.Given Brian’s age, it has become more challenging for his mother to transport him, as they do not currently have an automatic wheelchair ramp and their current van cannot be modified. Brian and his mother are hopeful Hunter’s Hope will provide a new van with an automatic wheelchair ramp as his wish gift so he can continue to live a meaningful life.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Maggie, our chatty little girl who was always full of rainbows and sunshine, was diagnosed with LI-MLD in February of 2020. Over the course of the last year and a half, she has lost so many milestones, including her abilities to walk and speak, but she is still so full of joy despite all of the challenges she is forced to face. And despite losing so much, in the last year and a half she is grown and gotten so big that it's getting hard for her parents and grandparents to load her into the van and into her car seat. She requires weekly trips to the University Hospital for appointments and treatments, 250-mile round-trip. Maggie's wish is to have a wheelchair-accessible van that will make traveling to all of her appointments easier and allow her to still be active and go to fun places with her brothers. Thank you for helping Maggie continue to live a vibrant, joy-filled life despite her struggle with leukodystrophy.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you for helping Marcus to get his bathroom handicap-accessible modifications! Marcus is a happy 13-year-old who loves playing video games and playing with his WWE wrestlers. Marcus was diagnosed with Krabbe before he was born. He received an unrelated cord blood transplant when he was 19 days old at Duke University. Marcus has done very well with the transplant however, he has extreme tightness in his legs due to the progression of Krabbe in those 19 days before transplant. Marcus is not able to lift his legs to get in and out of the bathtub. As he grows, he is getting too heavy for us to lift him in and out of the bathtub. This has become a safety issue for Marcus. This is why we are asking for your help in getting our bathroom re-done for him. He would love to be able to take a shower and not have to worry about falling or getting hurt. Thank you so much for your generosity. Love, The Mattina Family
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you for helping Nikola get his van! Nikola is growing and needs a wheelchair accessible van, so that his parents can take him to wonderful place and give him the most special life possible. Please donate to Krabbe Warrior Nikola's fundraising campaign and help him and his family get their special van.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you for helping Corion with making his home more accessible. Corion is a bright, humble, and joyful 15-year-old. He was diagnosed with Hypomyelination Leukodystrophy 2. He is in need of handicap accessible modifications to his home. He needs wheelchair ramps to make it accessible for Corion to enter his home, widened doors, but most of all they need a handicap accessible bathroom. His care is very challenging and can be dangerous without accessibility in the bathroom. Please help Corion get his handicap accessibility modifications in his home.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you for helping Braxton and Oliver get their van! Braxton(6) and Oliver(3) are two boys who have Pelizaeus Merzbacher Disease, a leukodystrophy that affects the central nervous system. These two almost always have a smile on their face. We’re trying to keep them happy and comfortable. As they get bigger it gets so much harder to go places and transport them. With a wheelchair accessible van we wouldn’t have to get each boy out of their chairs and into a car seat and load up the wheelchairs every time the have to go to school, therapy, doctor visits, and any other activity that comes up. Thank you for helping us make sure that Braxton and Oliver will be able to do everything that we could ever imagine comfortably.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you for helping Averie get her van. She loves it! Averie was diagnosed with Pelizaeus Merzbacher Like Disease (PMLD), a type of Leukodystrophy. She is 11 years old and with her big-girl wheelchair she can now wheel it up in her new wheelchair accessible van.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! A big THANK YOU from Lily Smith and her family. Lily was able to get her wheelchair-accessible van because of many generous people like you. She can now go places and have lots of fun with her family. Thank you for helping Lily and her family.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Thank you so much! Blaine now has his van! He was getting too big for his car seat. You helped his family get a wheelchair-accessible van, so they can continue to travel to places together.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! The Bazar Family was able to raise enough funds to get a van for Anniston. Thank you to everyone who helped! Anniston has Krabbe disease and is outgrowing her car seat. She needs a wheelchair accessible van so her family can take her with them wherever they go. Thank you for helping the Bazar Family get a special van for Anniston which will help improve her quality of life.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! As Salvatore continues to grow, it was becoming more and more dangerous to transport him and his wheelchair up and down the stairs to enter his home. His Wish Gift provided him the ability to safely leave home anytime he needs to.
WISH GIFT FULFILLED! Elmer is the first child screened positive for Krabbe Leukodystrophy in New York State. His mom was able to stay near the hospital during his transplant through his Wish Gift.
Ideas to Raise Funds
Here is an extensive list of easy ideas for increasing your fundraising efforts!
Make a Wish Come True
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Tyler McAdams (Julie Allen) has raised $10,214 out of their goal of $50,000
Emma Gilbert (Shellene Gilbert) has raised $9,800 out of their goal of $20,000
Emma Nickerson (Sarah - Emma's mom) has raised $9,239 out of their goal of $80,000
Campaign Activity
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