Sunday, March 17, 2024

11:00 am — 1:00 pm
Home of Tom Ray, Palm Springs, CA

Join us for this special event!

This year, Lambda Legal begins our second half-century of representing LGBTQ+ people and everyone living with HIV. And we’re doing so at a critical time. Our mission is Unstoppable — we were made for times like these!

We never charge our clients for legal representation or advocacy, nor do we receive any government funding. With your support, we can keep defending our rights anywhere they are threatened â€” and write the next chapter of Lambda Legal history together.

For more information about the event and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Mark Labadorf at




Kevin Comer
Valerie Milano

Judge Tom Chiola (Ret.)
David de Figueiredo
Kermit Ferrer and John Criscuolo
Richard J. Foglia and Dennis Banks
Byron Hancock and Len Handeland
Jerome Hipps and Sanford Friedman
Barry McCabe

Patsy and David Marino
Robert Ollis and Richard Gibbons
Jack H. Schwab and David M. Sandelin
Woody Sides and Robert Wallace
Jane E. Stampe and Susan M. Cremer
Joe Vassallo and Doug Paxton

Richard Wester and Rick Tivers

Honorary Host Committee

Jeffrey Bernstein, Mayor, City of Palm Springs

Ron deHarte, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Palm Springs
Grace Elena Garner, Councilmember, City of Palm Springs
Christy Holstege, Councilmember, City of Palm Springs

Lisa Middleton, Councilmember, Palm Springs
Joy Silver, Chair, Riverside County Democratic Party
Dennis Woods


District | $25,000
Barry McCabe
John McDonald and Robert Wright

Defender | $10,000
David Lee

Defender | $10,000
John Berger and Neal Williams

Christopher G. Caldwell and Richard H. Llewellyn
Roberta A. Conroy

Arnold Kassoy
Richard H. Shoemaker and James E. Ruud

Amicus | $5,000
Alaska Airlines
Allen Clutter and Greg Cannedy
Kevin Comer and Rick Distel
Rick Foglia and Dennis Banks

Chip Graves and David Kearney
Mark Hamilton and Juan Francisco
The Hollywood Times/Valerie Milano
Robert Ollis and Richard Gibbons
Jack H. Schwab and David M. Sandelin

Stephen R. Winters and Don D. Curtis
David J. Zippel and Michael Johnston

Laureate | $2,500
Jay Cohen
Kermit Ferrer and John Criscuolo
Chris Longobucco

Joan Mack and Ellen Sikorski
Patsy and David Marino
David Mizener and Arturo Carrillo
Marco J. Remedios and Sam Michaels
Woody Sides and Robert Wallace

Liberty Circle | $1,500
Jim Bates and Victor Caponpon

Philip Brent and Bruce Moccia
Judge Tom Chiola (Ret.)

Chuck Collins and Randy George
Kimel Conway and Joe Ward
David Freedman
Andrew Garber and Rich Ratkelis
Michael J. Gialdini and Thomas Schmitt

John W. Hager
Byron Hancock and Len Handeland
Jerome Hipps and Sanford Friedman
Christy Holstege

Vicki Hood
Randy H. McBride, DMV
David C. Mizener and Arturo Carrillo

Jeff Ogle and Jeff Stearns
Robert Roblee
Jane E. Stampe and Susan M. Cremer
Joe Vassallo and Doug Paxton

Richard Wester and Rick Tivers
