Jersey Cares MLK Day of Service

Virtual Card Making

Monday, January 20th, 2025 • 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

About the Project

This Year, as Jersey Cares remembers the leadership of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we invite you to join 1,850 volunteers across the state to embody Dr. King's vision to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together, strengthening their communities and building a stronger New Jersey.

We've raised $65

We're working together to answer "life's most persistent and urgent question...what are you doing for others?"  

We have a goal of $9,250 - $5 for every one of our MLK Day volunteers! 

This registration page is for 

Virtual Card Making only! 

All volunteers must be at least 4 years old.

This project is appropriate for ages 4-17 and their families.

Virtual Card Making: Volunteers will create electronic cards including pictures and inspirational quotes for refugees working with International Rescue Committee as a sign of support as they transition to their new lives in America.

Please note: This project is specifically geared for volunteers ages 4-17 and their families. Although anyone is welcome to join, the activity is youth-focused.

If you are interested in registering for a different Jersey Cares MLK Day of Service event, please visit the Jersey Cares website to view other opportunities.

If you would like to purchase MLK Day of Service apparel, please head to the Jersey Cares store.

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Campaign Activity

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