Whidbey Camano Land Trust
Walk and Talk Series

Join us on these free walks to connect with nature and learn about the importance of protecting critical climate resilient lands, healthy wildlife habitats, natural shorelines and family farms, as we explore preserves protected by the Whidbey Camano Land Trust.

Upcoming Walks

Saratoga Woods - Langley
April 12 @ 10:00 am


Enjoy a forested stroll through more than 100 acres of protected forest near Langley. Owned and managed by Island County, with a conservation easement held by the Land Trust, the property was protected by the community. Large trees, healthy understory plants, and a large glacial erratic are just a few highlights of the Park.

Admiralty Inlet Preserve - Coupeville
May 20 @ 10:00 am

Possessing Whidbey-iconic gnarly, wind-blown trees, this preserve is a backdrop to some of the County’s most breathtaking landscapes.  Join us to experience this exceptional nature preserve first hand and learn about the site’s history and native flora and fauna, including the two rare prairies and remnant old-growth forest. The Golden Paintbrush and other prairie plants might be in bloom!

To learn more (difficulty level, public transit accessability, etc.) or register for a walk, please click the "REGISTER HERE" button below.