About the Event

Roof Raisers was founded in 1971 by Rollie Ayers, Paul Ecke Jr., Ed Harloff, Don Hubbard Sr., and Irv Roston to raise funds to complete our then-new YMCA. The five event founders masterminded this fundraising event to put a roof on the Multi-Purpose Room… and Roof Raisers was born!

Over the past 51 years, over $4,500,000 has been raised through this legendary event! Many new roofs have been built over the Y, including the pool enclosure and a spectacular 22,000 sq. ft. expansion of the Aquatic Center. Roof Raisers has also allowed the YMCA to build "indoor" soccer arenas, purchase vans to transport children to child care at the YMCA, acquire program equipment for various YMCA programs and expand the Preschool. Roof Raisers helped fund the renovation and rebuilding of the Y's world-renowned Skate Park, improve and upgrade the Y's Aquatic Park near the Carlsbad Lagoon and expand and improve our Y Gymnastics Center.

We've raised $288K Our Goal $175,000

We're raising money for the cause to make a difference!

Help the cause by attending the event or making a donation

Omni La Costa Resort & Spa - Champions Golf Course

2100 Costa Del Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA 92009


Purchase your tickets before the event


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