Break the Cycle: Des Moines 2024 Events
June 8 - Challenge Ride (25, 50 or 100 miles)
June 15 - 5k All Day Run
June 21 - Break the Cycle 200


Break the Cycle hosts ultra-endurance cycling and running events to raise awareness and funds for real victims of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. There are more than 50 million victims, according to the Global Slavery Index. Shockingly, 1.7 million of them are kids who have been forced into sexual exploitation.

Break the Cycle participants give voice to the issue and raise funds for Hope for Justice to help rescue and restore real victims in the U.S. and around the world.

2024 EVENTS 

June 8 - Break the Cycle Challenge Ride

Our shorter cycling event is the Break the Cycle Challenge Ride on June 8. Featuring 3 different route distances (25, 50 or 100 miles), this event has an option for all levels of cyclist. New for 2024 - all three distances will start and finish at Firetrucker Brewery in Ankeny and utilize the High Trestle Trail. The 100 mile option will also utilize the Chichaqua Valley Trail. All riders invited to the post-ride lunch and celebration at Firetrucker Brewery! See below for specific route details. 

-- 25 Mile - Start time 9:00am - Route Map --

North on High Trestle Trail (HTT).  Pass thru Sheldahl, continue 12.5 miles to Slater turnaround point.  Water is available outside Nighthawk Bar & Grill, just off HTT.  Turn around and follow HTT route in reverse 12.5 miles to finish.

-- 50 Mile - Start time 9:00am - Route Map --

North on High Trestle Trail (HTT).  Pass thru Sheldahl, Slater and Madrid, continuing 25 miles to Woodward turnaround point.  Aid station, hydration and nutrition available.  Turn around and follow HTT route in reverse 25 miles to finish.

-- 100 Mile - Start time 6:00am - Route Map --

Same as 50 Mile route for first 50 half.  Firetrucker is the 50 mile point with aid station, hydration and nutrition available.  Continue south on HTT thru Ankeny to join onto the Gay Lea Wilson Trail (GLWT).  Follow GLWT to Chichaqua Valley Trail (CVT).  Pass thru Bondurant, continuing 25 miles to Mingo turnaround point.  Aid station, hydration and nutrition available.  Turn around and follow CVT then GLWT route in reverse 25 miles to finish.

June 15 - Break the Cycle 5K All Day Run

It's not all about the cycling either!  Our running event is the Break the Cycle 5K All Day Run on June 15, held at Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines.

June 21 - Break the Cycle 200 Ride

Our flagship event is the Break the Cycle 200 Ride on June 21. During this event, an amazing group of cyclists will ride 200 miles from Des Moines to Okoboji in a single day. This ultra-endurance ride is not easy. Departing from Des Moines before sunrise, riders work hard all day to arrive before sunset in Okoboji. The pace is kept between 18-22 mph, in a tight peloton, with SAG vehicles for protection.

We do tough things for people in tough places.  Whichever event(s) you choose, you will be joining the Break the Cycle team and helping to raise funds and awareness for this important cause!

Choose your favorite(s) or sign up for them all!

We've raised $145.2K Our Goal $200,000

We're raising funds to make a difference in the lives of victims of human trafficking!

Once registered, you'll be able to recruit your friends and family to support you and help in your fundraising efforts.

Not a cyclist or runner but want to help?  Please consider volunteering, making a donation or supporting the participants with their fundraising.

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT - Register before March 1 and use code BTC-EARLYBIRD.
Last day to register is June 1st!

BTC Challenge Ride (June 8)
$50.00 (25 miles)
$90.00 (50 miles)
$100.00 (100 miles)

BTC 5K All Day (June 15)

BTC 200 Ride (June 21)

Break the Cycle and Hope for Justice

When you sign up for a Break the Cycle event, you aren’t just registering for an endurance event. You’re joining a movement to end the exploitation of some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Support a Fundraiser

Top Individuals

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View Top Individual - 'Break the Cycle Sponsors' fundraiser page using image
Break the Cycle Sponsors

Break the Cycle Sponsors has raised $32,196 out of their goal of $40,000

$32,196 raised (80%)
View Top Individual - 'Deanne Herr' fundraiser page using image
Deanne Herr

Deanne Herr has raised $18,400 out of their goal of $10,000

$18,400 raised (184%)
View Top Individual - 'Dee Mable' fundraiser page using image
Dee Mable

Dee Mable has raised $5,735 out of their goal of $3,000

$5,735 raised (191%)
View Top Individual - 'Bradley Mortensen' fundraiser page using image
Bradley Mortensen

Bradley Mortensen has raised $5,150 out of their goal of $500

$5,150 raised (1030%)
View Top Individual - 'Patrick Rupe' fundraiser page using image
Patrick Rupe

Patrick Rupe has raised $4,910 out of their goal of $500

$4,910 raised (982%)
View Top Individual - 'Micah Moore' fundraiser page using image
Micah Moore

Micah Moore has raised $3,695 out of their goal of $5,000

$3,695 raised (74%)
View Top Individual - 'SCHULTE FAMILY 5K ALL DAY' fundraiser page using image

SCHULTE FAMILY 5K ALL DAY has raised $3,540 out of their goal of $5,000

$3,540 raised (71%)
View Top Individual - 'Peter Basso' fundraiser page using image
Peter Basso

Peter Basso has raised $3,410 out of their goal of $3,500

$3,410 raised (97%)
View Top Individual - 'Julie Kirkpatrick' fundraiser page using image
Julie Kirkpatrick

Julie Kirkpatrick has raised $3,230 out of their goal of $500

$3,230 raised (646%)
View Top Individual - 'Andrew McCoy' fundraiser page using image
Andrew McCoy

Andrew McCoy has raised $2,875 out of their goal of $500

$2,875 raised (575%)