Cookie Grab 2024

Thursday March 21st 2024 — 12:00 pm

Thank you for supporting this year's Cookie Grab! We wold out in 60 minutes!!!

What is the Cookie Grab?

It all started in 2017 when a group of Atlanta’s most celebrated bakers came together to organize a Cookie Grab to support Planned Parenthood Southeast. Over the past seven years, the Cookie Grab has sold out at record speed, raising over $225K for the local nonprofit.


“Grab them by the cookie” was our way of reclaiming language after we heard bodily autonomy threatened in the public sphere by a certain former president. The real quote is violent and goes against everything we stand for. 

We believe that all people deserve to feel safe and respected. We strongly believe it is our duty to speak out against harassment, especially when it comes from our elected officials. That’s why we started this fundraising event seven years ago. We stand with Planned Parenthood because their mission is to fight for inclusivity and bodily autonomy. 

When you participate in the Cookie Grab, you’ll be getting a box of gourmet cookies. But never forget what these cookies stand for. This is how we speak up and make the world a better place, one cookie at a time. 

How does it work?

Visit our registration page and choose a pickup location to claim your box. Each box will contain 22 fabulous gourmet confections, packed for you with care.

This is a PRE-SALE! On March 28 and 29, you must pick up your box from the pickup location you selected during the stated pickup hours. Leftover boxes will not be available after the pickup hours have finished, and we will be unable to offer refunds for unclaimed boxes.

This year's cookie box includes:

At Heart Panaderia - Masa Harina Strawberry Sugar Cookie

B Side -Lemon Poppy Shortbread

Big Softie - Cheez-it Brittle

Daily Chew - Black Sesame Orange Cookie

El Ponce - Chocolate Pinwheel Cookie

Evergreen Butcher + Baker - Butterscotch Millet Cookie

Goodness Graceous - Brown Sugar Sesame Cookie

Hell Yeah Gluten Free - Coffee Toffee - GF

Leftie Lee’s - Furikake Sugar Cookie

Little Tart Bakeshop - Chocolate Cherry Cookie with Tahini and Macadamia Nuts

Lupe's Mexican Eatery - Black Sesame and Dulcey Cookie

Miller Union - Cardamom Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie

Osono Bread - Chocolate Sandwich Cookie with Marshmallow

Revolution Doughnuts - "Pink Sprinkle Doughnut" Sugar Cookie

Star Provisions - Strawberry Oat Bar

Sugar + Air & Xocolatl - Fudge Stripe Cookie with Xocolatl Chocolate

Sun in My Belly & Xocolatl - Chocolate Chunk Cookie with Xocolatl Chocolate

Sweet Cheats -  Salted Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie

THE CHASTAIN - Raspberry Palmier

Tiny Lou's - Strawberry and Cream Cookie

The Daily - Lemon Sour Cream Cookie

Le Bon Nosh - GF Brownie

Thank you for supporting eight years of this community fundraiser for PPSE! 

We've raised $52.2K Our Goal $50,000

Each purchase supports
Planned Parenthood Southeast!