
"It's a love affair"

The Good Dog Foundation 

Gala 2019

May 15, 2019

Gotham Hall, New York City

Gala Special Event

Isabella Rossellini


Harry and Lulu

A Ten Minute Play


Arthur Yorinks

May 15, 2019  

6:30 p.m.

Gotham Hall
1356 Broadway
New York City

6:30 p.m.

Cocktails, Appetizers, Silent Auction

7:30 p.m.

Gala Special Event

Isabella Rossellini


"Harry and Lulu”

A Ten Minute Play by Arthur Yorinks

7:45 p.m.
Dinner is served
 Awards, Live Auction

9:30 p.m.
Desserts, Music, Dancing

Three dozen complimentary tickets are available
for canine guests

Please email info@thegooddogfoundation.org 
to apply for a dog ticket.

Festive Cocktail Attire


Karen Ignagni

President and CEO
For Volunteer Services

Dr. James Serpell
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine 
For Scientific Research

Gala Chairs
*Randy Federgreen • *Emily Jones • Aria McGuinness
•Tracy Stromberg

Gala Commitee
In Formation

Sherry Berkowitz • Bruce Fagin • Rachel Bryan • Kris Ellis 
• Christina Iwasko • Lily Li • Scott Link • *Rachel McPherson 

• Megan Melnyk • Jackie Menkes 
• Heidi Antman Nachimson • Nancy Piccione Jennifer Pugliese

• Nicole Valerio • Arthur Yorinks • Molly Zeagler

* Good Dog Board members

We've raised $253.5K Our Goal $400,000

We're raising money to make a difference!

Over the past 21 years, The Good Dog Foundation has had a singular mission - helping humans heal from the trauma of disease, disability and disaster. Our healers are extraordinary dogs and their human handlers who donate 30,000 hours of time and help over 100,000 people annually with visits to one or more of our 300 partner-hospitals, schools, senior homes, libraries or community centers in the great New York Metro area.


Tables and tickets include cocktails, show, dinner and dancing.

Gotham Hall

1356 Broadway
New York, New York, 10018


Share a message of support for the cause


The Dearie Family Charitable Trust $3,500.00 was donated anonymously

6 years ago

penny bradley donated $500.00

Thanks to Randy Federgreen, Sorry I wasnt able to attend the event. Penny

6 years ago

Sarah Banks donated $51.60

6 years ago

Farin Schlussel donated $25.00

Go, Good Dog!

6 years ago

Curtis Child donated $500.00

6 years ago