Moving Beyond the Bruises
A Conference on Domestic Violence presented by AdventHealth
About the Conference
The goal of Moving Beyond the Bruises is to provide practical instruction using current information, the newest ideas, and most successful intervention strategies, to those professionals responsible for combating the many and varied forms of crimes against women.
The conference is conducted for the sole purpose of providing training to those people employed by governmental or non-profit agencies in roles such as victim advocates, prevention educators, mental health professionals, campus professionals, medical providers, law enforcement, probation / parole, campus safety, prosecutors, military command and advocacy, offender treatment professionals, school counselors, or any others who work directly with victims of crime.
This convenient and cost-effective program is completely virtual – no travel expenses!
Conference Schedule:
9:00am – Welcome - Michelle Sperzel
9:10– 10:20 – Mental Health & Domestic Violence – Myra Strand Working with victims that have experienced multiple traumas.
10:30 – 11:40 – Community Accountability: Anti-Bias Response to Victims of Domestic Violence - Mark Wynn
Exploring poly-victimization and developing a trauma informed response to victims of domestic violence.
11:40 – 12:00 – Next Steps and Closing – Michelle Sperzel
Speaker Info
Registration and Sponsorship Info
Moving Beyond the Bruises offers five unique options that ensure the best available reach and interaction for our sponsor partners. Opportunities can be customized to fit your needs and allow for flexibility to create the greatest impact with your sponsorship.
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