Paws for Peace Walk & Run 2025
Event Schedule
Registration: 7:00am - 8:30am
5k Run Start: 8:00am
Ceremony: 9:00am
Walk Start: 9:30am
About the Campaign
Can you imagine leaving your beloved pet behind with someone who might hurt or even kill him or her? Neither can we. That’s why Harbor House of Central Florida opened the Paws for Peace Kennel on our emergency shelter campus in 2012.
Harbor House of Central Florida is one of the few domestic violence shelters in Florida to accept pets. Harbor House’s pet kennel was an important addition to the emergency shelter 13 years ago, because many people opt to stay in abusive homes rather than leave their pets behind.
65% of domestic violence victims delay fleeing because they fear for the safety of their pets. Statistically, 48% to 71% of victims with pets report that their pets have been abused or killed. Since opening our doors 13 years ago, the emergency kennel has housed hundreds of dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, turtles, and other animals. The Paws for Peace Walk & Run raises the funds needed to support domestic violence survivors and keep our pet shelter running, which keeps pets and their owners safe.
The Paws for Peace Kennel allows survivors to bring all family members to safety.
Thank you for saving the life of a much loved pet. You can help fundraise for the cause once you register for the event. Or just make a donation.
4990 New Broad St, Orlando, FL 32814
Registration Info
All attendees will be given the opportunity to fundraise
Child Registration (10 and under)
FreeRegistration for children is free in advance and at the door. Child registration does not include a t-shirt. No youth t-shirts are available for this event.
5k General Registration
$45.005k general Registration is $45.00 and includes an event t-shirt and walk participation. Online registration opens at 12am on February 7th and will remain open through event day.
WALK General Registration
$35.00Walk General Registration is $35.00 and includes an event t-shirt. Online registration opens at 12am on February 7th and will remain open through event day.
Dogs & Their People Mystery Bag
$25.00Pre-Purchase a mystery bag filled with items for your beloved pup! Pick up at event.
Cats & Their People Mystery Bag
$25.00Pre-Purchase a mystery bag for your feline family. Pick up at event.
Small Size Pet Portrait on Paws For Peace Kennel Wall Mural (pets up to 15 inches in length)
$500.00Your contribution of $500 qualifies your (small size - up to 15 inches in length) pet's portrait to be painted in a mural on our outdoor Paws For Peace Kennel wall. Pick a favorite photo in honor or memory of your beloved pet to showcase your pet's beauty and serve as a beautiful remind to survivor families that someone in our community, whom they've never even met, is routing for and supporting their family's journey toward a safer, more hopeful life - now that's powerful! Please note: *Murals will be completed this summer throughout the month of August. Once complete, you will be sent a picture of your pet's portrait and invited for a campus tour to view the portrait in person.
Medium Size Pet Portrait on Paws For Peace Kennel Wall Mural (pets 16-23 inches in length)
$750.00Your contribution of $750 qualifies your (medium size - 16-23 inches in length) pet's portrait to be painted in a mural on our outdoor Paws For Peace Kennel wall. Pick a favorite photo in honor or memory of your beloved pet to showcase your pet's beauty and serve as a beautiful remind to survivor families that someone in our community, whom they've never even met, is routing for and supporting their family's journey toward a safer, more hopeful life - now that's powerful! Please note: *Murals will be completed this summer throughout the month of August. Once complete, you will be sent a picture of your pet's portrait and invited for a campus tour to view the portrait in person.
Large Size Pet Portrait on Paws For Peace Kennel Wall Mural (pets 24 inches in length and up)
$1,000.00Your contribution of $1000 qualifies your (large size - 24 inches in length and up) pet's portrait to be painted in a mural on our outdoor Paws For Peace Kennel wall. Pick a favorite photo in honor or memory of your beloved pet to showcase your pet's beauty and serve as a beautiful remind to survivor families that someone in our community, whom they've never even met, is routing for and supporting their family's journey toward a safer, more hopeful life - now that's powerful! Please note: *Murals will be completed this summer throughout the month of August. Once complete, you will be sent a picture of your pet's portrait and invited for a campus tour to view the portrait in person.
Support a Fundraiser
Search for a fundraiser or team to support
Jared and Deziree Elliott-Van Doorn has raised $750 out of their goal of $500
Campaign Activity
See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!
Gerald England purchased a registration
Marisa England created a fundraising page
Marisa England created a fundraising page
A $25.00 registration was credited to undefined's page
A $35.00 registration was credited to undefined's page