October 19-21, 2020

Free with Registration

Suggested Donation $25

Monday Oct. 19th

New York Cabaret: Yesterday and Today
Performers include Stephanie Blythe, Ann Hampton Callaway, Natalie Douglas, Shana Farr, Eric Yves Garcia, David LaMarr, Marissa Mulder, Sidney Myer, Mark Nadler, Karen Oberlin, Daryl Sherman, Larry Woodard, and Amra-Faye Wright.  Ms. Blythe will receive the Mabel Mercer Foundation’s 2020 Mabel Award, to be presented by Sandy Stewart. The evening also includes reminiscences from past Convention participants, most of whom appeared in the very first of these in 1989: Karen Akers, Klea Blackhurst, Jeff Harnar, Andrea Marcovicci, Karen Mason, Lee Roy Reams, Rex Reed, and Steve Ross.
Tuesday Oct. 20th

The Future of Cabaret
Foundation board members, Adela and Larry Elow, have created an Endowment Fund specifically to encourage teenagers to learn and perform The Great American Songbook, as composed between the years 1900-1970. Participants are nominated from pupils who attend New York City public performing arts high schools. Tuesday’s Convention roster includes this year’s winner of the Adela and Larry Elow Songbook Competition, Savannah Lee Henry, as well as finalists Leonay Shepherd, Jennifer Poroye, Julia Parasram, and Kylie McNeill. (Ms. Henry, Ms. Shepherd, and Ms. McNeill came to us from The Professional Performing Arts School; Ms. Poroye the Fiorella H. LaGuardia High School; and Ms. Parasram the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School.) They will be joined by Anais Reno (2019 competition winner), Thomas Hogan (2019 finalist), Christina Jimenez (2018 competition winner), and Hannah Jane (former competition finalist and recipient of the 2019 Julie Wilson Award, presented by Linda and Peter Hanson and The Mabel Mercer Foundation).
Wednesday Oct. 21st

A World of Cabaret

Celebrating international performances from across the United States (Boca Raton, Chicago, Miami, Minneapolis, Ojai, Palm Beach, Palm Springs, St. Louis, San Francisco, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island) and around the world: Amsterdam, the Cayman Islands, London, and Sydney! Performers include Joie Bianco, Leanne Borghesi, Tim Draxl, Josie Foster, Jaedyn Hanna, Hans Pieter Herman, Christian Holder, Nicolas King, Marilyn Maye, Amanda McBroom, Tammy McCann, Colindra-Rodericka McGarvey-Sterling, Maureen McGovern, Beckie Menzie & Tom Michael, Jennifer Sheehan, Deborah Silver, Avery Sommers, and Iris Williams.