Here's what to expect:
1:30pm - Plunge Check-In Opens & Pre-Plunge Party
Turn in cash & check donations, get your incentives, prepare to plunge!
3pm - Plunge
After - After-Splash Bash
Lunch is included for all plungers who raise $100+
Drinks (& Lunch for spectators) available for purchase on-site.
The Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Michigan event series is presented by:
We're freezin' for a reason!
You can help fundraise for the cause once you register or make a donation now!
161 S. Turk Lake Dr. Greenville, MI 48838
Are you brave enough to bear the cold at the
Turk Lake Polar Plunge?
All attendees will be given the opportunity to fundraise
Interested in Sponsoring the Turk Lake Plunge?
Support a Fundraiser