2025 Turk Lake
Polar Plunge
Here's what to expect:
11:30am- Plunge Check-In Opens & Pre-Plunge Party
Turn in cash & check donations, get your incentives, prepare to plunge!
1pm - Plunge
Plungers will walk ON the ice out to a hole cut by the Montcalm Township Fire Department, who will be there to assist you out of the water.
All spectators should remain on shore and on the restaurant patio.
After - After-Splash Bash & Awards
Lunch is included for all plungers who raise $100+.
Drinks (& Lunch for spectators) available for purchase on-site.
The Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Michigan event series is presented by:
We're freezin' for a reason!
You can help fundraise for the cause once you register or make a donation now!
161 S. Turk Lake Dr. Greenville, MI 48838
Are you brave enough to bear the cold
at the Polar Plunge?
All attendees will be given the opportunity to fundraise
Too Chicken to Plunge
$20.00Are you Too Chicken to Plunge but still want to raise money for the cause? Registration fee includes the Too Chicken to Plunge T-shirt!
Interested in Sponsoring the Plunge?
Download our Partnership Form HERE!
Support a Fundraiser
Search for a fundraiser or team to support
Family Love Michael has raised $27,969 out of their goal of $5,000
Turpin High School has raised $6,358 out of their goal of $1,000
Browner Family Team to Stop the Stigma has raised $2,653 out of their goal of $500
Walnut Hills High School has raised $1,917 out of their goal of $100
Mariemont City Schools has raised $1,668 out of their goal of $2,000
MSJ PAWS: Lions Running for a Cause has raised $1,345 out of their goal of $500
Everyday Warriors has raised $1,191 out of their goal of $500
Xavier University has raised $514 out of their goal of $1,000