Stapleton Boys's Avatar

Stapleton Boys


We get up and run every morning to raise money for people who need clean water.  Last year we raised $11K for Walk 4 Water - enough to dig wells for 2 villages.  This summer we are trying to raise $22K!  We'd like it if you donated for Walk 4 Water.  Thx!


Thanks for visiting my fundraising page!

Thanks for visiting my fundraising page!

Hey Guys!

So we are fundraising for Walk 4 Water (Family Humanitarian).  It is a humanitarian group that drills wells and puts in pipes in Africa so that they don't have to walk super far for clean water.  We run a lot everyday at Highland Run Club so that others don't have to walk.  We are just 6 days in and we've already run 10 miles each.  The Run Club is trying to raise $22k this summer and our goal is to raise $500. 

This is what we will give you for how much you help our fundraiser:

$5 - Bottle of Water or Lemonade

$10 - Bag of Freeze-dried Skittles

$25 - Snickerdoodles

$50 - Fruit Pizza (this is one of our FAVORITE desserts)

$100 - We (the boys with help) will make and deliver you dinner.  You may choose from Spaghetti or Fresh Fruit Crepes.

We hope you donate!  Please think about what you can do - even $1 helps.  

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Stapleton Boys
Stapleton Boys Latest Update

Pushing Hard to Finish Strong!

Pushing Hard to Finish Strong!

The boys have still been working hard this summer.  You've all blown their fundraising goal out of the water so thank you for your support!  We're trying to push further and see just how much we can raise.

In July we slowed down for a couple of weeks to visit some family, but now the boys are...

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Greg Hall donated $157.50

Zach, Drew and Ben, you boys worked and ran so hard! Congratulations!  :)

3 years ago

Lani Adamson donated $100.00

3 years ago

Matt Stapleton donated $157.50

Hitting goals plus bonus for stretch goals.  You've worked hard!

3 years ago

Grandma Pearl donated $131.00

3 years ago

Lemonade Stand donated $100.80

3 years ago