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The Amazing Life of Colonel Joseph C. Fry, United States Air Force Retired


God. Family. Country. Notre Dame.

God. Family. Country. Notre Dame.

Joe grew up in Los Angeles and received a Civil Engineering Degree from the University of Notre Dame, where he was an Air Force ROTC cadet and treasurer of the social committee.

“That’s classified” was a phrase Joe used when asked about his job. During his distinguished 27-year Air Force career, he held critical positions in missile defense, intelligence, and surveillance and reconnaissance, keeping his country safe from all adversaries.

Early in his career, Joe was part of the Minuteman crew overseeing the nation’s intercontinental ballistic missiles, standing alert 24 hours a day, year-round. He is one of the few to test-fire a Minuteman II missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Joe spent most of his later career working for the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space. He was a frequent guest at The White House but his name never appeared in visitor logs.

Joe was Director of Special Projects for the National Reconnaissance Office before its existence was declassified. He was highly respected and well-liked by his colleagues and staff. Co-workers often described him as brilliant, but he stayed humble despite his many accomplishments.

To honor veterans, Joe started and led an annual wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on behalf of the Notre Dame Club of Washington, a tradition that continues today.

After retiring as Colonel, Joe enjoyed traveling with his high school sweetheart and wife of 52 years. Together, they visited six of the seven continents.

Joe was a devoted husband and a loving father, with a deep affection for family, including his four-legged family members. He will be remembered for his exceptional sense of humor and quick wit.

About FTD: Frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) is the most common form of dementia for people under the age of 60. It strikes in the prime of life, gradually eroding an individual’s personality: their ability to speak, make sound decisions, control their movements, behave within social norms and relate to those they love. FTD devastates familial relationships, finances and even the health of family caregivers themselves. Currently there are no approved treatments, and most providers lack knowledge of appropriate care. Average life expectancy is 7-13 years after the start of symptoms.

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Virginia Fry donated $1,010.00

a year ago

Betty Gosnell donated

2 years ago

Lara Kadylak donated

2 years ago

An anonymous donation was made

In memory of Mr. Joseph Fry, father of John Fry. From: Sonoco Finance

2 years ago

Edwin V Harrington Jr donated $100.00

2 years ago