Aloha Family and Friends!
I'm Reyse Sakima, a Special Olympics athlete asking for your support. For several years, I've greeted and cheered on Risk Takers as they rappel 40 stories off the Hyatt Regency Waikiki to raise money for Special Olympics Hawai`i(SOHI). In 2019, I had the chance to experience the rappel for myself and it was amazing! Last year, I am rappelled with my stepdad, Nat, and my sister, Tawnee but this year I'm rappelling with Special Olympics Hawai`i athelte Nicole Inouye and together we're going to show everyone what SOHI athletes can do!
I'm going "over the edge" to help raise funds for my fellow athletes! Special Olympics Hawaii gives me and my fellow athletes the chance to participate in sports such as Track and Field, Soccer, Bowling, Softball, and Basketball, year round and at no cost.
I've been with Special Olympics for over 16 years ever since I was a student at Pearl City High School (I grad in '09). Special Olympics has helped me make new friends, stay healthy, and join clubs like Toastmasters and Global Messengers, while I compete in the sports I love. I've even traveled across the country to New Jersey to represent Hawaii in the Special Olympics USA National Games.
I would be so proud to go Over The Edge again to represent and raise funds for my fellow athletes. Please help me meet my fundraising goal and show your support! Your tax-deductible donation will impact our lives and our families as we experience the joy of sports and will enable us to succeed, on and off the playing field.
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! You can quickly and easily make a secure gift of $50, $25, $10, or any amount that you can afford by clicking on the "Donate" button today!
You can also make a check out to "Special Olympics Hawai'i" and write my name in the memo line to make sure that it will be credited to my goal. Please send the check to:
Attn: Over The Edge
Special Olympics Hawai'i
91-610 Maunakapu St.
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
If you would like to learn more about this thrilling event – or even sign up yourself to experience the thrill -- please visit
Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!