Thanks for helping me spread hope to kids in Haiti
Thanks for helping me spread hope to kids in Haiti
As you know, I've worked with Children's Place International for many years supporting families in Haiti facing health and economic challenges.
Despite every difficulty the country of Haiti has been facing, our program has remained constant and helped families to stay well, kids get to school, and a bright future still feel possible.
Seeing program children graduate secondary school, in a country where so many odds are against them even enrolling in school at all, is my biggest motivator.
To make this magic happen, we need to fundraise. And in a world of so much need, this is hard to do. But when I receive news of another graduation and a photo of a smiling graduate, I know how much this means to them and to their families.
If you are able to give support, we'll see to it that it makes a world of difference to a young student on their path to a hopeful future for their family.
Haitian proverb:
"Men anpil, chay pa lou"
"Many hands make the load lighter"
Thank you! Mesi anpil!
Dave Kalinich donated $250.00
Jennifer Torres is my hero!!!!!
James Yee donated and generously covered the transaction fee
Katherine Hapeman
Thank you so much to Jenn and her wonderful family & friends for all the support! We are so grateful!
David Kalinich donated $500.00
Lynette Bouchie donated and generously covered the transaction fee
Thank you for all your hard work and infinite caring and compassion. You are an amazing human!