I am more than just another Epelipetic
I am more than just another Epelipetic
My Epilepsy journey began with a fractured skull in 2010, which led to my 1st seizure in 2013. Since then it's become the most dominant force in my life. I've had 3 life-threatening situations due to seizures. Twice it happened while I was driving & once it happened during an outdoor workout. This resulted in my license being suspended for over a year due to the driving incidents. Multiple times it's happened during everyday moments leaving me disoriented & confused. I now have arthritis in my left shoulder due to the repeated falls over the years. Like I said, it's been a dominating force in my life....but I am more than just another Epelipetic.
Despite these setbacks, I wasn't discouraged. In the spring of 2021 I took a 19 day solo road trip that took me across 15 states. I hiked mountains in Colorado, traversed the Grand Canyon, attempted to climb an active volcano (Mt St Helens), & visited Pudget Sound to top it all off. Three months after that trip, I moved to Colorado because I relished the physical & mental challenges that came from climbing mountains. It was shortly then that I created my goal of summiting all 58 14ers in the state. Mountains that are over 14,000 ft. I partnered up with the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado & Wyoming in 2024 because I realized that my 14er journey can show others that no matter how beat up you are physically or mentally....it's amazing what the body will do, when the mind is willing.
Please join my journey by donating here. Your donations go directly to the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado & Wyoming & help to support the over 65,000 locals who live with seizures. The process is fast, easy, & secure. Thank you so much for your support & please don't forget to send this page to anyone who's interested in winning the fight against Epilepsy! Keep Climbing!
Tina Burton donated $25.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Nicole Tudisco donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Dean Saltz donated $25.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Sara Yerkey donated $100.00
The Board of the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado and Wyoming is so inspired by your efforts and thanks you!!
Brandon L donated $44.00