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Nash’s Crew


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Thanks for visiting my fundraising page!

Please help me support Monument Health Children's Miracle Network by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

Nash came into the world at 29 weeks. He was born on January 23, a whole 11 weeks before his due date. He weighed 2 pounds and 12 ounces. For the first week of his life, he couldn't be held because they were concerned about him moving too quickly or too much that could cause bleeding in his brain. 

He did lose blood that required two blood transfusions in the first few days of his life. After that, Nash continued to improve as he was supposed to. He had a picc line that went through his thigh to just outside of his heart that delivered the vitamins and fluids that he needed in those early weeks. 

He was in an isolette, or a nest, as Chris called it, to keep him warm. When he was 34 weeks, he moved on to a crib. He had a feeding tube until he mastered taking all of his food from the bottle. For the first few weeks, he was on a CPAP machine with his "scuba gear" until his lungs didn't need all the extra air to keep his lungs open. 

From our first day in the NICU to Nash's "NICU graduation," we knew he was in the very best hands. The aids, nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors were nothing short of amazing. When Nash was born, Chris got to go with the NICU nurses and be with Nash. He said it was the perfect example of organized chaos. Everyone had their role and they were all ready when it was time for them to do what needed to be done. Along the way, they were happy to answer our questions or ask the doctor during their daily meeting. For the medical team to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, they need access to medical equipment made for these tiny and sweet babies. Donations to Children's Miracle Network let the nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors be miracle workers. 

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