Mila and Sariyah's's Avatar

Mila and Sariyah's


Mahalo, Gracias, Thank You, Wopila,


Welcome <3

Welcome <3


The twins were due in January 2024. October, it was going to be a great day. The kids had a Halloween event that night at their school. We were so excited! I wasn't feeling so great, trying to catch up from having the flu the weekend prior. I ended up calling my mom, asking her if I should go into the ER, just to be safe, maybe get some fluids. I showed up, 99% sure I'd be home by midnight.  The Triage Dr. and nurse were on the same page, ready to get me home.

They come back in, asked if I knew I was having contractions and wanted to check me just to see what was going on. If you could see Nurse Tracy's face, she was normal and then her eyes got big! "Umm, you're not leaving this hospital until you deliver, your baby's head is right there and you are 5 cm dilated!"  

They checked me in and wheeled me to my room, it got intense trying to stop labor. Magnesium, steroids, catheter, I wasn't allowed to get out of bed. One ultrasound tech working on the IV for my arm, another getting a wasp flying around, before checking the babies. It was all hands on deck. The contractions started to turn painful. By 3 am, things settled and I was able to catch a little nap and as I slept I felt Baby A's head. My nurse came in, was so excited and said, "Your contractions are calming down!". I said, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I feel the baby." We laughed and she had me checked. Once again, nurse Tracy came in, eyes big, with a big sigh, "We have to call the Dr. you are complete." What the heck does that even mean? It means it's time to have a baby! 

It was just the nurses and me. Then it was a party in the surgical room, with the NICU team, one team for each baby, isolettes for each baby, L&D nurses and we chilled and waited for the Dr. to arrive. I was joking with everyone thanking them for coming to the party.


At 5:42 am Mila, Baby A, arrived. Sariyah, Baby B, arrived at 5:46 am. They were born at 29 weeks, 1 day. Mila weighed 2 lbs 5.8 oz and spent 66 days in the NICU. Sariyah weighed 2 lbs 7.9 oz and spent 74 days in the NICU. They were so tiny and fit in the Doctor's hands! I was able to touch them before they headed into the NICU.  My emotions were everywhere. Once the Epidural wore off, the kind nurse wheeled me in to see my babies. It took everything in me not to ugly cry. The isolettes, CPAP machines, blood pressure cuffs, feeding tubes, temperature stickers, heart monitors, breathing monitors, cribs, intubation set ups, etc. it's so overwhelming and then you are greeted by the kindest, up beat nurses, who become your family. They become the babies aunts and uncles. You look forward to seeing them as much as you see your babies. You can ugly cry all you want and they have tissues on hand and will sit, kneel, stand with you every second you need them.

A couple of months after the twins were home, one of the nurses called and gave us some insight on the Children's Miracle Network and asked if our names could be considered, to take part in this fundraiser. I knew the equipment and supplies didn't just show up magically at the hospital but I also never really thought about how it got there. Upon researching, all of the equipment and supplies that helped take care of my babies and keep them alive, was from fundraising. I was shocked, humbled, and felt so grateful. 

Another situation that humbled me, were the moms/families that didn't have vehicles, gas, and lived hours away. They could not see their baby, in person, everyday like I could. I learned that the cameras/Nicview are funded by these donations. It allows parents/families to see their babies. You can login and watch your baby, any day, any time! 

Thank you to the past, present, and future individuals and your donations for this special, important, fundraiser. You mean so much to my family and me. We are choosing to raise funds for this particular one because it has helped so many babies/families, including my own. 

Please help me support Monument Health Children's Miracle Network by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

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