TD Auto Finance has raised $13,916 out of their goal of $5,000
2025 Detroit Polar Plunge has raised $64,372 out of their goal of $80,000
$200.00 was anonymously donated and fees were generously covered
Corman Cabose donated $5.00
Jessica Lyon donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
You got this girl!!
Lela Smith donated $100.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Elaine Simms donated $25.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
$200.00 was anonymously donated and fees were generously covered
Corman Cabose donated $5.00
Jessica Lyon donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
You got this girl!!
Lela Smith donated $100.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Elaine Simms donated $25.00 and generously covered the transaction fee