Manor Heights Frozen Jags has raised $10,891 out of their goal of $15,000
'25 CASPER Jackalope Jump has raised $31,021 out of their goal of $30,000
Help me raise money for the Special Olympics
Jeff Ouano donated $100.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Henry VanGundy donated $10.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Jessie Lopez donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Vanessa Reasey donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Tony Ouano donated $30.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Jeff Ouano donated $100.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Henry VanGundy donated $10.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Jessie Lopez donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Vanessa Reasey donated $50.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
Tony Ouano donated $30.00 and generously covered the transaction fee