
Rethink traditional appeals with Giving Cart

Enhance fundraising efficiency by transforming a single supporter experience into multiple gifts.

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Expand the potential of each appeal

Upgrade every donor experience with Giving Cart’s revenue-boosting,
e-commerce-like functionality.

Maximize giving opportunities

Unlock new fundraising opportunities with campaigns that inspire more giving where it’s needed most.

Multiply supporter

Early results indicate that 15% of donors have contributed more than one gift per giving experience via Giving Cart.

Modernize the donor experience

Empower supporters to browse, discover resonant programs, and process multiple transactions seamlessly.

Inspire donors to fill their philanthropic
“shopping carts”

  • Showcase your portfolio of programs with flexible giving options
  • Make it easy for supporters to discover new ways to support
  • Craft tailored giving portfolios for each program or campaign
  • Demonstrate to donors the tangible impact of their contributions
  • Enable multiple gifts in one streamlined checkout experience
  • Boost support for critical donation types and programs
  • Showcase impact from discovery through checkout
  • Empower donors to support the causes they care most about
  • Rethink traditional single transactions by offering supporters the flexibility to give one-time and recurring gifts in a single cart
  • Make donors’ impact tangible, creating an emotional bond for ongoing activation
  • Sync transaction details to your CRM for deeper supporter insights, enabling more relevant connection

Join nonprofits using Classy to raise more

“Giving Cart helps us show donors the impact they’re having, which inspires more connection and giving.”
– Edward Phillips, VP of Development


How are other organizations using Giving Cart?

Early adopters of Giving Cart are demonstrating its ability to revolutionize fundraising. From standing up gift catalogs or virtual donation drives in minutes to facilitating recurring donations, the possibilities are endless.

Does more donor choice mean less control over the types of donations I collect?

Giving Cart enables complete flexibility to showcase the most valuable ways to give to your organization. That includes gifts of varying durations (one-time or recurring), programs, and types (restricted or not). What you choose to highlight should be based on your strategy and where your supporters can have the most impact.

For example, if you want to encourage more monthly donations, you can do so with impact tiles by highlighting how each recurring donation amount moves the needle on your mission, like “$50 a month could help sponsor a child’s school lunch.”

Does Giving Cart enable the sale of merchandise?

Giving Cart does not currently support tracking physical inventory or merchandise selling. We are exploring these capabilities for our future product roadmap.

What capabilities are not yet included in Giving Cart campaigns?

Giving Cart is currently in beta. Some features, such as recurring retry and program designation transfers, are not yet available but will be before our general release. As a new functionality, there are several additional features we’re continuing to explore as we see how customers are leveraging the tool.

See Classy’s Giving Cart in Action

Unlock generosity with more ways to give powered by Classy.

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