Welcome to our team page!
Welcome to our team page!
Our beloved Mary Sponsler was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. In life, she was was a giving person who cared for others including years of supporting many elderly people within her community through her volunteer work at “meals on wheels”. She loved Jesus and inspired others to follow Christ through her personal example of worship, singing in the choir and praising God. Despite fighting through the terrible effects of dementia through her final years, her love of Christ and family and friends shined through. Her best days were those spent sharing time with family and praising God. Her kindness, love and affection for others somehow always emerged despite the terrible battle she and family waged against this terrible disease. It is our hope that your kind donations will contribute to fighting this disease so that one day in the future, others will not suffer as she did. Our individual team members have combined digital forces to create this awesome fundraising team. Together we will raise more money for Dementia Society of America than we ever could alone!
Want to help?
Support by making a donation to our team. The process is fast, easy, and secure... and you can be sure that it will benefit a great cause!
Come join the squad!
team-work [teem-wurk] noun
1. A cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interest of a common cause.
Ken Sponsler created a fundraising team