Brenda Ritchie Golf Outing for Alzheimer's's Avatar Donate
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The Best Team Ever Created

$2,448 Raised
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Avatar image for Captain Brenda Ritchie
Captain Brenda Ritchie

Brenda Ritchie Golf Outing for Alzheimer's

Please help me raise Dementia / Alzheimer's awareness and fund research to find a cure.

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Welcome to our Golf Outing fund raiser team page!

Welcome to our Golf Outing fund raiser team page!

As most of you know I was diagnosed with an early onset of Alzheimer's earlier this year.  I decided to host a golf outing to raise awareness of Dementia & Alzheimer's and to donate the proceeds to Dementia Society of America.

Want to help?

Support by making a donation to our team. The process is fast, easy, and secure... and you can be sure that it will benefit a great cause!

Thank you very much!!  

comment 0

Louann Cassano donated $107.20

3 years ago

Debbie Kennedy donated $214.40

Thinking of you Brenda!  

3 years ago

Marisa Preston donated $53.60

Sending lots of love!! Xo

3 years ago

Helene Saperstein donated $26.80

3 years ago

Ann Marie Ferrante donated $107.20

Onward and upward !

3 years ago