Welcome to Team Muttz, Year 4
Welcome to Team Muttz, Year 4
Its hard to believe but this will Anna-Lynn's and my 4th Charity run. This year, we have expanded our field to 90 teams from across North America. Reserve positions to be a part of this incredible event were taken under 24 hours. The dedication and efforts put in by so many to make something like this happen is inspiring. A special thank you to Tony and Scott for their never ending energy to make an event like this happen. Also a special thank u to all the towns, cities and states that will be welcoming our group of teams to their regions this year. We look forward to meeting new people and making new friends.
This year Team Muttz will be running for the charity organization Concerns of Police Survivors. If u want to know more about this fine organization we will be representing you can go to the link below.
For my personal note, we all have or know people that have or currently work as first responders. Many people in the rally either have been or currently are part of this special group of people. I know many of you have inquired about this years Charity run for our team, and I stated I will be in touch next year as we considered taking this year off. As you can see, I changed my mind due to that one fateful night several weeks ago that many of you know about when my wife was suddenly stricken with a stroke. I think complacency in our lives is a natural thing to happen, part of being human, until, that one moment occurs that changes your life forever. Seeing the speed and effectiveness with which the first responders made it to our house, got my wife stabilized and transported to the hospital has pushed this event to the forefront of our desire to help them as they were there to help us, and maybe one day one of you as well, although I pray none of us ever will need their help again.
Unfortunately, tragedies do happen as this group of people leave their homes and families every day to serve and protect for us and when tragedy does strike, Concerns of Police Survivors is their to help the families pick up the pieces.. Any human loss unnecessarily is a tragic loss but when it happens during the line of duty while trying to help others, it does take on a special meaning. For this reason my wife and I would appreciate any donation to our team to benefit this special cause.
As in all previous years, all donations are 100% tax deductible and 100% of donations are given to the cause. My wife and I cover all necessary costs for the running of this rally. In addition to this we will match all contributions made up to $2500. Thanking you in advance, Team Muttz, Trevor and Anna-Lynn Milkins. God Bless all.
Trevor Milkins
Just a quick thank u to all our donors before we shove off. This event has raised $195,700 last I checked. Anna-Lynn and I thank all of you for your support. You all are special people.
Wiley Griste donated $157.50
Gail Rushing donated $105.00
Jeff matching Anna Lynne
Robert Blanton donated $300.00
Charles Waterman donated $525.00