THE DISTRICT's Avatar Donate
Team Page

The Best Team Ever Created

$1,335 Raised
Team Page
Avatar image for Captain Wendy Seida
Captain Wendy Seida


We are THE DISTRICT -a group of Grand Ledge Public Schools central office administrators-the people school staff commonly refer to as THE DISTRICT. We believe in an inclusive learning environment where every person is valued-just like the Special Olympics

Weekly Winner

Kelly Jones's Avatar
Kelly Jones
$200 raised this week

Most Activity

Teammate with the most wall activity

Welcome to our team page!

Welcome to our team page!

Our individual team members have combined digital forces to create this awesome fundraising team. Together we will raise more money for Special Olympics Michigan than we ever could alone!

Want to help?

Support by making a donation to our team. The process is fast, easy, and secure... and you can be sure that it will benefit a great cause!

Come join the squad!

team-work [teem-wurk] noun

1. A cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interest of a common cause.

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